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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 查看主题 - [問題]大全987-Q500



版主: shpassion, Traver0818


帖子yuyutseng » 2009-10-14 17:13

500. Many psychologists and sociologists now contend that the deliberate and even brutal aggression integral to some forms of competitive athletics increase the likelihood of imitative violence that erupts among crowds of spectators dominated by young adult males.
(A) increase the likelihood of imitative violence that erupts
(B) increase the likelihood that there will be an eruption of imitative violence
(C) increase the likelihood of imitative violence erupting
(D) increases the likelihood for imitative violence to erupt
(E) increases the likelihood that imitative violence will erupt

答案是 : (E)

這一題我的作法是, 用aggression為單數刪除掉 ABC
再用 likelihood後面接of 或是that 子句刪掉D 得到E
不過我的問題是, A/C的除了動詞不正確以外, A和C是不是有改變掉句意 ?
A/C : 增加(模彷暴力行為)的機率, 這些暴力行為在OOXX
E : 增加(模彷暴力行為在OOXX)的機率

不是很懂, 還麻煩高人指點了!
帖子: 55
注册: 2009-08-13 21:37

Re: [問題]大全987-Q500

帖子j4fun » 2009-10-15 22:59

yuyutseng \$m[1]:500. Many psychologists and sociologists now contend that the deliberate and even brutal aggression integral to some forms of competitive athletics increase the likelihood of imitative violence that erupts among crowds of spectators dominated by young adult males.
(A) increase the likelihood of imitative violence that erupts
(B) increase the likelihood that there will be an eruption of imitative violence
(C) increase the likelihood of imitative violence erupting
(D) increases the likelihood for imitative violence to erupt
(E) increases the likelihood that imitative violence will erupt

答案是 : (E)

這一題我的作法是, 用aggression為單數刪除掉 ABC
再用 likelihood後面接of 或是that 子句刪掉D 得到E
不過我的問題是, A/C的除了動詞不正確以外, A和C是不是有改變掉句意 ?
A/C : 增加(模彷暴力行為)的機率, 這些暴力行為在OOXX
E : 增加(模彷暴力行為在OOXX)的機率

不是很懂, 還麻煩高人指點了!



我們SC教導我們 句子要簡潔,語意要清楚

問題來了,簡潔跟語意表達清楚,你選哪一個 我是選語意最精楚的那一個啦

今天忽然想了個例子,我覺得還亂七八糟的,不過湊合這用  :ugeek:

I love that girl
that girl I love


小弟拋個磚 看能不能引個玉出來 哈
帖子: 56
注册: 2009-08-26 22:31
地址: Fun Taiwan

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