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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 檢視主題 - prep test 1 - essay 15

prep test 1 - essay 15

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prep test 1 - essay 15

文章greecechii » 2007-08-23 19:12

Test1-Essay #15. 341 (23562-!-item-!-188;#058&00341-00)

Dendrochronology, the study of tree-ring records to glean information about the past, is possible because each year a tree adds a new layer of wood between the existing wood and the bark. In temperate and subpolar climates, cells added at the growing season's start are large and thin-walled, but later the new cells that develop are smaller and thick-walled; the growing season is followed by a period of dormancy. When a tree trunk is viewed in cross section, a boundary line is normally visible between the small-celled wood added at the end of the growing season in the previous year and the large-celled spring wood of the following year's growing season. The annual growth pattern appears as a series of larger and larger rings. In wet years rings are broad; during drought years they are narrow, since the trees grow less. Often, ring patterns of dead trees of different, but overlapping, ages can be correlated to provide an extended index of past climate conditions.

However, trees that grew in areas with a steady supply of groundwater show little variation in ring width from year to year; these "complacent" rings tell nothing about changes in climate. And trees in extremely dry regions may go a year or two without adding any rings, thereby introducing uncertainties into the count. Certain species sometimes add more than one ring in a single year, when growth halts temporarily and then starts again.

Question #50. 341-02 (23608-!-item-!-188;#058&000341-02)

The passage suggests which of the following about the ring patterns of two trees that grew in the same area and that were of different, but overlapping, ages?

(A) The rings corresponding to the overlapping years would often exhibit similar patterns.
(B) The rings corresponding to the years in which only one of the trees was alive would not reliably indicate the climate conditions of those years.
(C) The rings corresponding to the overlapping years would exhibit similar patterns only if the trees were of the same species.
(D) The rings corresponding to the overlapping years could not be complacent rings.
(E) The rings corresponding to the overlapping years would provide a more reliable index of dry climate conditions than of wet conditions.

Question #51. 341-03 (23654-!-item-!-188;#058&000341-03)

In the highlighted text, "uncertainties" refers to

(A) dendrochronologists' failure to consider the prevalence of erratic weather patterns
(B) inconsistencies introduced because of changes in methodology
(C) some tree species' tendency to deviate from the norm
(D) the lack of detectable variation in trees with complacent rings
(E) the lack of perfect correlation between the number of a tree's rings and its age

Question #52. 341-04 (23700-!-item-!-188;#058&000341-04)

The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) evaluating the effect of climate on the growth of trees of different species
(B) questioning the validity of a method used to study tree-ring records
(C) explaining how climatic conditions can be deduced from tree-ring patterns
(D) outlining the relation between tree size and cell structure within the tree
(E) tracing the development of a scientific method of analyzing tree-ring patterns

我想問50題,我知道定位是在第一段的最後一句話,但是為什麼從這裡會suggests "The rings corresponding to the overlapping years would often exhibit similar patterns." ?

C'est la vie.....
文章: 41
註冊時間: 2006-03-17 20:10

文章dibert8 » 2007-08-25 06:39

I) 解釋 tree-ring 和 climate 的關係
II) 方法的限制 (However)

(A) similar 由 correlated 而來 (不同年齡的樹,可以比對得到延伸的資訊,要比對就必須相似才能找到關係)
文章: 2202
註冊時間: 2007-01-08 01:17

文章kaijen » 2007-09-17 22:32

Question #50. 341-02 (23608-!-item-!-188;#058&000341-02)

The passage suggests which of the following about the ring patterns of two trees that grew in the same area and that were of different, but overlapping, ages?

(A) The rings corresponding to the overlapping years would often exhibit similar patterns.
(B) The rings corresponding to the years in which only one of the trees was alive would not reliably indicate the climate conditions of those years.
(C) The rings corresponding to the overlapping years would exhibit similar patterns only if the trees were of the same species.
(D) The rings corresponding to the overlapping years could not be complacent rings.
(E) The rings corresponding to the overlapping years would provide a more reliable index of dry climate conditions than of wet conditions.

因為第一段末說 ring patterns of dead trees of different, but overlapping, ages 可以用來提供氣候狀況
第二段一開始又說 complacent rings 無法用來得知氣候的變遷
Kevin Wang
Candidate for MBA, Class of 2011
Duke University, The Fuqua School of Business
文章: 177
註冊時間: 2006-06-01 01:14

文章dibert8 » 2007-09-18 00:20

第二段開頭有 However 表示另起主題,不承接前段.因此 (D) 可以"與定位點跳段"來排除.如果以文意來判斷,就給一個"不一定",將它排除.
文章: 2202
註冊時間: 2007-01-08 01:17

文章Huang Hsin-Yi » 2008-01-02 15:22

Question #52. 341-04 (23700-!-item-!-188;#058&000341-04)

The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) evaluating the effect of climate on the growth of trees of different species
(B) questioning the validity of a method used to study tree-ring records
(C) explaining how climatic conditions can be deduced from tree-ring patterns
(D) outlining the relation between tree size and cell structure within the tree
(E) tracing the development of a scientific method of analyzing tree-ring patterns


至於C選項 我以為只適用第一段

Huang Hsin-Yi
文章: 1038
註冊時間: 2007-08-17 00:41
來自: Tainan

文章amazingslim » 2008-01-02 19:20

Dendrochronology, the study of tree-ring records to glean information about the past, is possible because each year a tree adds a new layer of wood between the existing wood and the bark.
文章: 147
註冊時間: 2007-08-11 17:14

文章chris8888 » 2008-01-16 11:56

However, trees that grew in areas with a steady supply of groundwater show little variation in ring width from year to year; these "complacent" rings tell nothing about changes in climate. And trees in extremely dry regions may go a year or two without adding any rings, thereby introducing uncertainties into the count. Certain species sometimes add more than one ring in a single year, when growth halts temporarily and then starts again.

第二段落首句, 說 : 要是樹的年輪自穩定水源供應的地方, 就無法分辨出氣候上的改變. However , 會考喔!!
文章: 444
註冊時間: 2007-07-31 22:47

Re: prep test 1 - essay 15

文章hhou1207[origen] » 2009-07-05 03:17

Question #50. 341-02 (23608-!-item-!-188;#058&000341-02)

The passage suggests which of the following about the ring patterns of two trees that grew in the same area and that were of different, but overlapping, ages?

(A) The rings corresponding to the overlapping years would often exhibit similar patterns.
(B) The rings corresponding to the years in which only one of the trees was alive would not reliably indicate the climate conditions of those years.
(C) The rings corresponding to the overlapping years would exhibit similar patterns only if the trees were of the same species.
(D) The rings corresponding to the overlapping years could not be complacent rings.
(E) The rings corresponding to the overlapping years would provide a more reliable index of dry climate conditions than of wet conditions.

文章: 5
註冊時間: 2007-09-24 05:48

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