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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 查看主题 - GWD-13-Q24 to GWD-13-Q26:

GWD-13-Q24 to GWD-13-Q26:

GMAT 考的是閱讀....閱讀....還是閱讀....

版主: shpassion, Traver0818

GWD-13-Q24 to GWD-13-Q26:

帖子agk99 » 2005-02-15 20:26

GWD-13-Q24 to GWD-13-Q26:

Anthropologists studying the
Hopi people of the southwestern
United States often characterize
Hopi society between 1680 and
(5) 1880 as surprisingly stable, con-
sidering that it was a period of
diminution in population and
pressure from contact with out-
side groups, factors that might
(10) be expected to cause signifi-
cant changes in Hopi social
就語意上的理解覺得相當怪異,理由是前半段講的是surprising stable,後半段則說是significant change,不知這部份會不會有理解上的問題

The Hopis’ retention of their
distinctive socio-cultural system
(15) has been attributed to the Hopi
religious elite’s determined
efforts to preserve their religion
and way of life, and also to a
geographical isolation greater
(20) than that of many other Native
American groups, an isolation
that limited both cultural contact
and exposure to European
diseases. (這裡談的是保持穩定的方式基於宗教與地理因素,

But equally important
(25) to Hopi cultural persistence may
have been an inherent flexibility
in their social system that may
have allowed preservation of
traditions even as the Hopis
(30) accommodated themselves
to change. 當然是本文最重要的地方,維持哈比族的關鍵是哈比人自己,這是作者的補充解釋,題目有出
For example, the
system of matrilineal clans (母系社會)was
maintained throughout this per-
iod, even though some clans
(35) merged to form larger groups
while others divided into smaller
descent groups. Furthermore,
although traditionally members
of particular Hopi clans appear
(40) to have exclusively controlled
particular ceremonies, a clan’s
control of a ceremony might
shift to another clan if the first
became too small to manage
(45) the responsibility. Village
leadership positions tradition-
ally restricted to members of
one clan might be similarly
extended to members of other
(50) clans, and women might assume
such positions under certain
unusual conditions.

帖子: 3109
注册: 2004-08-24 22:12
地址: Shenzhen, China

帖子agk99 » 2005-02-15 20:28

The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about the explanation outlined in lines 13-24?

A. It fails to take into account the effect of geographical circumstances on Hopi culture.
B. It correctly emphasizes the role of the religious elite in maintaining the system of matrilineal clans.
C. It represents a misreading of Hopi culture because it fails to take into account the actual differences that existed among the various Hopi clans.
D. It underestimates the effect on Hopi cultural development of contact with other cultural groups.
E. It is correct but may be insufficient in itself to explain Hopi sociocultural persistence.
Answer: 肯定是E
Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the Hopis’ geographic situation between 1680 and 1880?

A. It prevented the Hopis from experiencing a diminution in population. 錯
B. It helped to promote flexibility within their social system. 保留
C. It limited but did not eliminate contact with other cultural groups. 對
D. It reinforced the religious elite’s determination to resist cultural change. 地理與宗教是分開討論的
E. It tended to limit contact between certain Hopi clans. 錯
Answer: C 對照第5~12行,比B更加清楚
The passage is primarily concerned with

A. reassessing a phenomenon in light of new findings
B. assessing the relative importance of two factors underlying a phenomenon 錯
C. examining the assumptions underlying an interpretation of a phenomenon 沒有假設
D. expanding on an explanation of a phenomenon
E. contrasting two methods for evaluating a phenomenon 必錯
Answer: 我是AD決選,但再想想 文章沒有提到新的發現,頂多是新的解釋,反倒是D,對映出作者自行提出的第三個解釋,就是擴大解釋現象,正確,選D
帖子: 3109
注册: 2004-08-24 22:12
地址: Shenzhen, China

Re: GWD-13-Q24 to GWD-13-Q26:

帖子liwuu » 2005-02-15 22:31

agk99 \$m[1]:GWD-13-Q24 to GWD-13-Q26:

Anthropologists studying the
Hopi people of the southwestern
United States often characterize
Hopi society between 1680 and
(5)1880 as surprisingly stable, con-
sidering that it was a period of
diminution in population and
pressure from contact with out-
side groups, factors that might
(10)be expected to cause signifi-
cant changes in Hopi social
就語意上的理解覺得相當怪異,理由是前半段講的是surprising stable,後半段則說是significant change,不知這部份會不會有理解上的問題

Anthropologists studying the Hopi people of the southwestern United States often characterize Hopi society between 1680 and 1880 as surprisingly stable, considering that it was a period of diminution in population and pressure from contact with outside groups, factors that might be expected to cause significant changes in Hopi social arrangements.

factors指的是diminution in population and pressure from contact with outside groups(這些因素通常應該會造成significant changes),不過人類學者卻發現其Hopi society受到此因素卻顯得surprising stable!!(簡單來說,整句說明Hopi society面對因素衝擊卻仍呈現穩定狀況)
夫妻同心,其利斷金...Magical Mr. MISTOFFELEES
帖子: 1639
注册: 2004-11-17 06:02

帖子yuying » 2005-08-11 02:48

agk99 \$m[1]:
Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the Hopis’ geographic situation between 1680 and 1880?

A. It prevented the Hopis from experiencing a diminution in population. 錯
B. It helped to promote flexibility within their social system. 保留
C. It limited but did not eliminate contact with other cultural groups. 對
D. It reinforced the religious elite’s determination to resist cultural change. 地理與宗教是分開討論的
E. It tended to limit contact between certain Hopi clans. 錯
Answer: C 對照第5~12行,比B更加清楚

Q25 我不知道C中, did not eliminate contact with other cultural group從哪裡可以推出呢?
從L19~L24 我只能看出limited. 但沒有看出did not eliminate
請大家幫忙指點哪裡可以看出do not eliminate~~就是說有提到Hopi和其他文化的人接觸嗎

我是選A. 原因是 L1~L24是在說明 為什麼Hopi people 令人驚訝地穩定, 因為1680~1880是一個diminution in population and pressure from contact with out- side groups的時期, 但
Hopi society不受影響, 第二段說明原因是
1. Hopi religious elite
2. geographical isolation
3. inherent flexibility
因此, 在挑答案時, 沒有更好選擇下, 我挑A, 因為這三個因素都是在解釋第一段為什麼Hopi社會令人驚訝地穩定

請教大家意見 謝謝
帖子: 218
注册: 2005-05-09 02:10

帖子世界和平 » 2005-08-14 22:58

yuying \$m[1]:

Q25 我不知道C中, did not eliminate contact with other cultural group從哪裡可以推出呢?
從L19~L24 我只能看出limited. 但沒有看出did not eliminate
請大家幫忙指點哪裡可以看出do not eliminate~~就是說有提到Hopi和其他文化的人接觸嗎

我是選A. 原因是 L1~L24是在說明 為什麼Hopi people 令人驚訝地穩定, 因為1680~1880是一個diminution in population and pressure from contact with out- side groups的時期, 但
Hopi society不受影響, 第二段說明原因是
1. Hopi religious elite
2. geographical isolation
3. inherent flexibility
因此, 在挑答案時, 沒有更好選擇下, 我挑A, 因為這三個因素都是在解釋第一段為什麼Hopi社會令人驚訝地穩定

請教大家意見 謝謝

Dear yuying,

1.針對A選項:首句的意思如liwuu大大之前翻譯的,Hopi是有經歷diminution in population,所以A選項就排除了。
-5~12:說明Hopi有pressure form contact with outside group,也就間接表示了Hopi其實是有與外界接觸的。
-19~24:說明geographical isolation-limited。

Babson College
MBA Class of 2009

"Life is not a matter of holding good cards but of playing a poor hand well"
Robert L. Stevenson (1850~1894, The author of “Treasure Island”)
帖子: 191
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地址: Taipei

帖子juyu » 2005-11-18 17:35


Considering that it was a period of diminution in population and pressure from contact with outside groups,(factors...=同位語),Anthropologists studying the Hopi people of the southwestern United States often characterize Hopi society between 1680 and 1880 as surprisingly stable
帖子: 33
注册: 2005-07-25 22:01

帖子pimi » 2007-12-05 11:42

The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about the explanation outlined in lines 13-24?

A. It fails to take into account the effect of geographical circumstances on Hopi culture.
B. It correctly emphasizes the role of the religious elite in maintaining the system of matrilineal clans.
C. It represents a misreading of Hopi culture because it fails to take into account the actual differences that existed among the various Hopi clans.
D. It underestimates the effect on Hopi cultural development of contact with other cultural groups.
E. It is correct but may be insufficient in itself to explain Hopi sociocultural persistence.


想請問從何可看出line13-24 may be insufficient in itself to explain Hopi sociocultural persistence. ????

帖子: 388
注册: 2005-01-21 14:50

帖子yucih » 2008-03-02 16:53

pimi \$m[1]:GWD-13-Q24:
The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about the explanation outlined in lines 13-24?

A. It fails to take into account the effect of geographical circumstances on Hopi culture.
B. It correctly emphasizes the role of the religious elite in maintaining the system of matrilineal clans.
C. It represents a misreading of Hopi culture because it fails to take into account the actual differences that existed among the various Hopi clans.
D. It underestimates the effect on Hopi cultural development of contact with other cultural groups.
E. It is correct but may be insufficient in itself to explain Hopi sociocultural persistence.


想請問從何可看出line13-24 may be insufficient in itself to explain Hopi sociocultural persistence. ????


line 13~24先說了兩個 surprisingly stable原因:
1.religious elites' efforts
2.geographical isolation

line24 後面
But equally important to Hopi cultural may have been an inherent flexibility in their social system.....
帶出第三個 同等重要的因素: social system:inherent flexibility

所以說 前面兩個原因 insufficient
帖子: 8
注册: 2006-09-27 14:05

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