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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 查看主题 - GMAT_GRE_LSAT閱讀全集 -PASSAGE 38(38/63)

GMAT_GRE_LSAT閱讀全集 -PASSAGE 38(38/63)

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版主: shpassion, Traver0818

GMAT_GRE_LSAT閱讀全集 -PASSAGE 38(38/63)

帖子best555tw » 2005-04-03 23:25

Passage 38 (38/63)
In Forces of Production, David Noble examines the transformation of the machine-tool industry as the industry moved from reliance on skilled artisans to automation. Noble writes from a Marxist perspective, and his central argument is that management, in its decisions to automate, conspired against labor: the power that the skilled machinists wielded in the industry was intolerable to management. Noble fails to substantiate this claim, although his argument is impressive when he applies the Marxist concept of “de-skilling”—the use of technology to replace skilled labor—to the automation of the machine-tool industry. In automating, the industry moved to computer-based, digitized “numerical-control” (N/C) technology, rather than to artisan-generated “record-playback” (R/P) technology.

Although both systems reduced reliance on skilled labor, Noble clearly prefers R/P, with its inherent acknowledgment of workers’ skills: unlike N/C, its programs were produced not by engineers at their computers, but by skilled machinists, who recorded their own movements to “teach” machines to duplicate those movements. However, Noble’s only evidence of conspiracy is that, although the two approaches were roughly equal in technical merit, management chose N/C. From this he concludes that automation is undertaken not because efficiency demands it or scientific advances allow it, but because it is a tool in the ceaseless war of capitalists against labor.

5. Which of the following phrases most clearly reveals the attitude of the author of the passage toward Noble’s central argument?

(A) “conspired against” (line 6)

(B) “intolerable to management” (line 7)

(C) “impressive when he applies the Marxist concept” (line 9)

(D) “clearly prefers” (line 16)(E)

(E) “only evidence of conspiracy” (line 21)


6. The author of the passage commends Noble’s book for which of the following?(Q我觉得应该是D)

(A) Concentrating on skilled as opposed to unskilled workers in its discussion of the machine-tool industry

(B) Offering a generalization about the motives behind the machine-tool industry’s decision to automate

(C) Making an essential distinction between two kinds of technology employed in the machine-tool industry

(D) Calling into question the notion that managers conspired against labor in the automation of the machine-tool industry(E)

(E) Applying the concept of de-skilling to the machine tool industry

帖子: 430
注册: 2005-03-26 21:13
地址: Taipei

帖子micht » 2005-04-04 21:05

In Forces of Production, David Noble examines the transformation of the machine-tool industry as the industry moved from reliance on skilled artisans to automation. Noble writes from a Marxist perspective, and his central argument is that management, in its decisions to automate, conspired against labor: the power that the skilled machinists wielded in the industry was intolerable to management. Noble [highlight=yellow]fails[/highlight] (-) to substantiate this claim, [highlight=yellow]although[/highlight] (+) [highlight=white]his argument is impressive when he applies the Marxist concept of “de-skilling”—the use of technology to replace skilled labor[/highlight]—to the automation of the machine-tool industry. In automating, the industry moved to computer-based, digitized “numerical-control” (N/C) technology, rather than to artisan-generated “record-playback” (R/P) technology.

Although both systems reduced reliance on skilled labor, Noble clearly prefers R/P, with its inherent acknowledgment of workers’ skills: unlike N/C, its programs were produced not by engineers at their computers, but by skilled machinists, who recorded their own movements to “teach” machines to duplicate those movements. However, Noble’s only evidence of conspiracy is that, [highlight=white]although the two approaches were roughly equal in technical merit[/highlight], management chose N/C. From this he concludes that automation is undertaken not because efficiency demands it or scientific advances allow it, but because it is a tool in the ceaseless war of capitalists against labor.

5. Which of the following phrases most clearly reveals the attitude of the author of the passage toward Noble’s central argument?

(A) “conspired against” (line 6)
(B) “intolerable to management” (line 7)
(C) “impressive when he applies the Marxist concept” (line 9)
(D) “clearly prefers” (line 16)(E)
(E) “only evidence of conspiracy” (line 21)

"Noble fails to substantiate this claim.............."

雖然Nobler 討論的 頭頭是道的感覺very impressive 但他的論點不足以說服他人

所以答案一定是負面的 整個第二段也是在對Noble's argument提出批評
so C is not right

6. The author of the passage commends Noble’s book for which of the following?

(A) Concentrating on skilled as opposed to unskilled workers in its discussion of the machine-tool industry
(B) Offering a generalization about the motives behind the machine-tool industry’s decision to automate
(C) Making an essential distinction between two kinds of technology employed in the machine-tool industry
(D) Calling into question the notion that managers conspired against labor in the automation of the machine-tool industry(E)
(E) Applying the concept of de-skilling to the machine tool industry

我覺得 E 因為de-skilling是Noble's book's central idea

我的感覺 供你參考
歡迎大家提出意見 :laugh
帖子: 3276
注册: 2004-09-27 12:13

帖子best555tw » 2005-04-05 15:59

Make a decision and move on.
帖子: 430
注册: 2005-03-26 21:13
地址: Taipei

帖子micht » 2005-04-05 17:58




和自己原先的想法有和差異喔 ;-$
帖子: 3276
注册: 2004-09-27 12:13

帖子leoitc » 2005-08-15 18:34

6. The author of the passage commends Noble’s book for which of the following?

(A) Concentrating on skilled as opposed to unskilled workers in its discussion of the machine-tool industry
(B) Offering a generalization about the motives behind the machine-tool industry’s decision to automate
(C) Making an essential distinction between two kinds of technology employed in the machine-tool industry
(D) Calling into question the notion that managers conspired against labor in the automation of the machine-tool industry(E)
(E) Applying the concept of de-skilling to the machine tool industry

我想這裡應該是問作者對於這本書的看法而非Noble自己的看法, 根據本文"although his argument is impressive when he applies the Marxist concept of “de-skilling", 可以約略發現作者對於此書的態度.
帖子: 8
注册: 2005-07-31 16:12

帖子coulomb » 2005-11-16 13:12

leoitc \$m[1]:6. The author of the passage commends Noble’s book for which of the following?

(A) Concentrating on skilled as opposed to unskilled workers in its discussion of the machine-tool industry
(B) Offering a generalization about the motives behind the machine-tool industry’s decision to automate
(C) Making an essential distinction between two kinds of technology employed in the machine-tool industry
(D) Calling into question the notion that managers conspired against labor in the automation of the machine-tool industry(E)
(E) Applying the concept of de-skilling to the machine tool industry

我想這裡應該是問作者對於這本書的看法而非Noble自己的看法, 根據本文"although his argument is impressive when he applies the Marxist concept of “de-skilling", 可以約略發現作者對於此書的態度.

我對這題的看法是因為他問的是author "commend" Noble's book
所以選(E) 不知道這樣的思路對不對?
帖子: 65
注册: 2005-04-21 20:21

帖子davidlee0222 » 2005-11-16 16:54

帖子: 3017
注册: 2004-12-14 19:54

Re: GMAT_GRE_LSAT閱讀全集 -PASSAGE 38(38/63)

帖子lorien1216_orig » 2008-11-26 16:21

best555tw \$m[1]:Passage 38 (38/63)

In Forces of Production, David Noble examines the transformation of the machine-tool industry as the industry moved from reliance on skilled artisans to automation. Noble writes from a Marxist perspective, and his central argument is that management, in its decisions to automate, conspired against labor: the power that the skilled machinists wielded in the industry was intolerable to management. Noble fails to substantiate this claim, although his argument is impressive when he applies the Marxist concept of “de-skilling”—the use of technology to replace skilled labor—to the automation of the machine-tool industry. In automating, the industry moved to computer-based, digitized “numerical-control” (N/C) technology, rather than to artisan-generated “record-playback” (R/P) technology.

我想要問第7題 如何決定選D
我選B 定位在第一句 三個我覺得意思相近的辭彙

7.Which of the following best characterizes Forces of Production as it is described in the passage?
(A) A comparison of two interpretations of how a particular industry evolved
(B) An examination of the origin of a particular concept in industrial economics
(C) A study that points out the weakness of a particular interpretation of an industrial phenomenon
(D) A history of a particular industry from an ideological point of view
(E) An attempt to relate an industrial phenomenon in one industry to a similar phenomenon in another industry
帖子: 16
注册: 2008-01-17 11:07

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