bradcc post在gmatclub.com的應考心得 (魚改標題)

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bradcc post在gmatclub.com的應考心得 (魚改標題)

文章bradcc » 2004-10-31 03:36

在椰林bbs看到這個link 就過來看看嚕~:D
我還在多倫多undergrad的最後一個學期 所以申請b-school應該還早吧
從大二就開始計畫 學校的資料也都看了不少
但現在大學要畢業了 才想到現實的問題 (ie. 工作經驗, 昂貴的學費, ROI划不划算等等).. 所以一切計畫也算是還在雛型:-S
but 很高興台灣也有這樣一個專屬GMAT的討論區.. 希望這裡能逐漸擴大 讓大家有個分享GMAT經驗的地方.

我去年九月底考過了一次GMAT了 不過我想等我要申請學校的時候 分數可能已經過期了 而且我GPA滿爛的 :-$ 可能需要更高的GMAT 來彌補 :'(

以下是我之前post在gmatclub.com的應考心得 希望能給在準備的人一點點幫助, 也請各為多多指教 :P

690 92%, Q49 91%, V36 81%

The nightmare has finally ended
I was so nervous last nite that I woke up in the middle of the nite and could not fall back asleep until like 3:30am
Woke up at 6, feeling pretty nervous and I hopped on the subway to the test center. I got there early therefore I started writing at 8:30am. I've never practiced doing the AWA b4, therefore I just made up bunch of BS and made sure that I have like 400 words in each essay(what PR suggests, length is what matters). What really distracted me was that the girls on my left and right were typing really really "HARD", even with the ear plug on I could still hear the clicks. I complained to the personnel after I finished AWA and she told me that the girls will be finished typing soon(one's doing GMAT, the other's doing GRE, so they should finish the essay section soon) ...I was really nervous when the Q part started cause people have been saying that the Q part is a lot harder than it is in PP3. I kept checking the answer and could not make up my mind. However, the first few questions were really easy and I used like 5 minutes for the first 7~8 questions. I started to feel a little calm by the time I reached the tenth question. I got a few counting/perm questions but they're not even close to the ones that we have practiced on this forum. I struggled for like 5 minutes on a very easy problem, otherwise I could of finished 10 minutes early. I didn't get any questions that are particularly hard, so I thought that I probably screwed it up. My last 5 questions were really easy that I though i probably got lower than 40. Took a 5 minute break and moved onto verbal. There's not much to say about verbal, you should be fine if you feel alrite with the problems in the OG. The difficulty of the questions remained pretty consistent, but I found myself in trouble when I had 15 questions remaining with only 18 minutes of time. I then picked up the pace and Oops it I got a huge RC for questions 33~38. I only had 7 minutes when I reached #33, so I thought fxxk it, then I randomly guessed thru the RC's cause I knew I could never finish reading the thing and understand it b4 the time runs out. Then I got 3 SC's that were pretty easy and I made sure I got those right. I was expecting something maybe around 620 given that I guessed 6 of the questions and I knew I got many wrong in the beginning too. It really surprised me when I saw 690 on the screen. This is supposed to be my try-out cause I'm still in my 3rd year undergrad. Hope I'll get a job after I graduate so that I'll be able to apply to a decent B-school b4 the score expires.

My best advice is...... You're doing better than what you think, so don't give up!!!
My PP3 scores in July: 690(Q49, V35), 620(Q49, V28<---I think)
the PR I did last nite: 640(Q46, V 35) <---- this is what I expected to get today
Kaplan I did last earlier this week: 570 (Q39, V28)

My actual score is reflected by my PP3 score, therefore don't worry about PR/Kaplan score too much. PR's scoring algorithm is too harsh and you're penalized more than you should when you get a question wrong. Kaplan is way out of wack(ie. piece of crap)

The materials I used: -Read thru Kaplan
-Read thru PR Verbal twice
-did half of OG
-A good tutorial website that taught me about counting/permutation
from the basics.
(I feel ashamed about this cause I'm a stat/CS double major, but
counting/perm is what prevented me from getting an A in my first
year stat course, and why didn't they teach probability in Canadian
high schools )
I'm in school now but I'll try to find the website when I go home and
look it up in my browser history.

That's it, good luck guys!!!! NOT EVER GIVE UP
文章: 4
註冊時間: 2004-10-30 15:10
來自: Vancouver, BC

文章agk99 » 2004-10-31 11:28



文章: 3109
註冊時間: 2004-08-24 22:12
來自: Shenzhen, China

文章micht » 2004-10-31 19:13

nice shot!! 我要像你學習了 學弟~
文章: 3276
註冊時間: 2004-09-27 12:13

文章汪汪北鼻 » 2004-10-31 23:00

文章: 392
註冊時間: 2004-10-30 00:52
來自: Taipei

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