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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 查看主题 - [建議] Upgrade The Site with Funding From B-School Ad
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[建議] Upgrade The Site with Funding From B-School Ad

帖子发表于 : 2006-12-04 09:12
Dear all,

I found the site extremely useful but in the past few months it becomes slow comparing with normal website. This is understandable as it is not supported by any external funding. Maybe it's time to call a committee of site administrator and decide the future for 傷咖 and fulfill its purpose to assist current and future MBA candidates.

Living with purpose is what this is all about, isn't it?

Keep great job moving.



Re: [建議] Upgrade The Site with Funding From B-School Ad

帖子发表于 : 2006-12-04 16:05
習慣仔 \$m[1]:Dear all,

I found the site extremely useful but in the past few months it becomes slow comparing with normal website. This is understandable as it is not supported by any external funding. Maybe it's time to call a committee of site administrator and decide the future for 傷咖 and fulfill its purpose to assist current and future MBA candidates.

Living with purpose is what this is all about, isn't it?

Keep great job moving.



我問過一個學長, 他願意免費提供他在外面虛擬主機租用的頻寬和機器給我們使用, 唯一的條件就是要有人幫忙管站 (他沒時間也完全不參與這個站的管理), 不知道站長群們有沒有意願把網站搬過去!?

帖子发表于 : 2006-12-04 23:08

帖子发表于 : 2006-12-05 00:17
嗯嗯,也許可以從最簡單的Google AdSense 開始。

我之前也反應過了,去年此時,連傷咖非常輕鬆,要連到對岸CD網卻是慢得不了。沒想到最近幾個月來,連CD的速度竟然比傷咖快上好幾倍...... 我很擔心這樣一來除了討論風氣不若去年之外,人潮也會漸漸流網語言相近的CD網去,難得成立的社群也難以延續。


帖子发表于 : 2006-12-05 09:57
維尼 \$m[1]:所謂的管站

指的是討論版的管理, 技術上虛擬網站的服務就夠了, 如果討論區有問題也有懂技術的學長會處理

帖子发表于 : 2006-12-05 20:49
This is a great news. Why don't we post this in all sections to call for volunteers (one per week) to be sys adm? it shouldn't be that difficult...

Herbert, your mentor's sponsorship will indeed help the site enormously.

帖子发表于 : 2006-12-07 10:53
習慣仔 \$m[1]:This is a great news. Why don't we post this in all sections to call for volunteers (one per week) to be sys adm? it shouldn't be that difficult...

Herbert, your mentor's sponsorship will indeed help the site enormously.

站務大大和我學長已經開始嘗試轉檔了, 讓我們拭目以待吧 :)

帖子发表于 : 2006-12-07 10:55
習慣仔 \$m[1]:This is a great news. Why don't we post this in all sections to call for volunteers (one per week) to be sys adm? it shouldn't be that difficult...

Herbert, your mentor's sponsorship will indeed help the site enormously.

站務大大和我學長已經開始嘗試轉檔了, 讓我們拭目以待吧 :)

帖子发表于 : 2006-12-08 12:47

難道是已經升級完畢 :D

帖子发表于 : 2006-12-20 14:40

帖子发表于 : 2006-12-20 15:06
系統存取變快許多,感謝站大的付出,謹致上最高的敬意及謝意 :smile

帖子发表于 : 2006-12-21 15:55