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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 檢視主題 - IESE MBA+Internship Interview Process

IESE MBA+Internship Interview Process


版主: Yimmiwan, swingtail, AquaGirl, stern, whf1111

文章wsh » 2007-03-12 23:30


I'm planning my language program in US. So could you tell me your schedule during July, August and Sep ? ex. when to apply your visa in July, how and when to find your house ? the time needs to set up everything in spain before your spanish course starts ?

Wish I did not bring you too much trouble. Thanks for all the info and passion you share.
My schedule will not serve as a reference for u as I was in Tokyo and I applied my visa there. Do apply early as I think it will take more than 10 weeks or so, please check with the embassy you are applying from.

I remember last year the Spanish course started on 30th Aug and I came on 28th Aug, and I took one week to find my flat. You can find other info on housing in the handbook I have attached. I think housing should not be a problem, but there are many people who underestimated the time needed for visa application and arrived late.
文章: 109
註冊時間: 2007-01-29 22:41
來自: IESE商學院

文章william700314 » 2007-03-30 16:52

今天拿到IESE的Offer了,神速不已啊,超開心的,下午四點面試完,晚上一點拿到Offer,真快啊... i86

其實我覺得面試得不是太好,前幾個面試比較順利,IESE的面試就忽略了要注意學校的特點,在why IESE這點上發揮得很差,還被Anjaney要求回去多翻翻他們網頁,然後他就開始跟我講他們的特點,以及他們為什麼fit我,聽到這邊我心整個涼了,所以我在此奉勸各位,請千萬多翻翻學校的網頁,多看看那些program有哪些跟自己fit,不然心情真的很受影響... i70

不過還好我後面發揮得不錯,Anjaney特別提到他喜歡我對生涯規劃的充分準備跟認識,然後他還出了一題狀況題,有點像argument,雙邊論點都有理,問我贊成哪一邊,這題其實我還蠻有認知的,因為以前就有想過,答得應該蠻好,算我運氣了 i86


其實在info. session跟informative interview的時候,我跟Anjaney都聊了很多,我深深覺得這間學校真的很fit我,也很開心能被錄取,雖然我一直背不出來那些program的名字 mt07

文章: 52
註冊時間: 2005-12-31 20:13

文章wsh » 2007-03-30 19:37

To William:

As I told you before, I am confident that you can get an offer with your background and life plans.

Congrats for the offer and hope to see you around soon!
文章: 109
註冊時間: 2007-01-29 22:41
來自: IESE商學院

文章wsh » 2007-04-30 17:08

Class of 2007.-

To give you a few Career Services statistics on graduation:

1) The percentage of 2nd year students who have already had an offer is 11 points higher than at the end of April last year!
2) 2nd year students have received a total of 250 offers so far.
3) 94 companies have recruited On Campus this year.
4) Total number of Full-Time processes 329.
5) 1247 interviews (1st round) for Full-Time positions have been organized by Career Services this year.
6) Average number of Job Postings a student has signed up for has been 17,9.
7) Maximum number of Job Postings a student has signed up for has been 113.
8)As of Graduation day we officially have 19,9% of 2nd-year students with status "Looking" (students who have not been extended an offer yet).
9) With offers not being confirmed in writing by students, we believe the real number is 5 % less.

Class of 2008.-

1) The percentage of 1st year students who have already had an offer is 14 points higher than at the end of April last year!
2) 1st year students have received a total of 170 offers.
文章: 109
註冊時間: 2007-01-29 22:41
來自: IESE商學院

文章wsh » 2007-08-08 05:53

文章: 109
註冊時間: 2007-01-29 22:41
來自: IESE商學院


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