... at 3 months before graduate, without reading your resume?
Unexpectingly, several days ago
when I was passing through a small campus event toward a meeting room with my teammate
I was carrying my backpack and in a bit rush after quick lunch
since we were already a couple of minutes late
an old gentleman came into me and said "Hi, Dave!..."
smoothly shaking my hand with shining face, "How are you doing today?"
"Great! Doctor, how are you?" I replied pretty short since I needed to run
"Hey Dave, I would like to have a time and talk to you."
"Sure! anytime!..." I turned my head at the same time seeing my teammate waiting several steps in front for me
actually I thought he meant a normal social talk someday
"Well, Dave," (gee? he's going to talk to me right now??)
"I would like to talk with you about my business in China."
now I stopped, suddenly I figured out this second was about something important
"I would like you to help me on this."
"Oh?! GREAT!! My pleasure! I'm excited to help!" I replied with excitement
"Contact me." He roused both his arms inward
"Sure, of course! I'm really excited about this!"
"OK!" he said. Now it was my turn to shake his hand firmly.
"Thank you very much! I will contact you!"
...less than 30 seconds
my teammate still waited for me in the front
when I came to him, he asked me
"what happened?"
a great indian teammate and a good friend just in 2 weeks
I told him "I just got an offer."
"Really??" he impressed and seemed not believing
"yah, my second offer."
"what? you just got an offer" now he seemed really curious and confused
"How can you do that in...?"
"yah, in 30 seconds..." I continued,
"I'm a career manager, it's the skill I have to have."
"No kidding, man...no kidding!" my Indian friend shaking his head...
"When did you send him your resume?" he asked
"Well...I didn't."
"Gee...No kidding, man...no kidding..." he seemed making a deep breath...