

版主: iambigmomma


帖子merryrose » 2008-09-24 00:57

請大家給點意見 如果認知上有誤請指證

在這過去三年中 我認為自己能力不差
但是碩士畢業 在研發部的發展畢竟有限 加上出國念書是我人生中想去完成的目標
於是現在正準備申請2009 MBA program
在這裡 我稍微說明一下為什麼要決定要申請MBA

念書時對於理工感到有求知慾望 於是選擇了理工科
自從當了工程師之後 對於工程師一職似乎不是很適合自己內在個性
我的個性是屬於比較喜歡吸收新事物 到外面接觸不同事物 想法也比較創新
但是偏偏工程的工作似乎剛好相反 反倒是工程師需要穩定地去把專案 或是遇到的製程問題用有系統方式解決 或開發了解
對於這樣的工作mode 即使與個性有點不合倒也認真負責地完成 但是 始終認為這不應該是自己終生的career 總是有更適合自己的工作

仔細思考 何種工作會比較適合自己 我稍微勾勒出目前我認為比較合適的理想職務 --科技業產品規劃 or科技業的行銷
原因是這樣 如果自己的個性不適合一直待在實驗室,一直設計實驗,不斷地想split 我應該要往比較廣的方向走

(往廣方向-->) 廣泛了解該科技領域(ex: 半導體 ,太陽能,等) 的各種開發中產品, 從對促進人類生活上有助益的 或對環境保護節能減碳有貢獻的方向, 用創新思維去設計具有潛力的產品, (自己的理工背景-->)透過檢視公司既有的resource 與研發工程師 (developer or PM) 透過討論, 如何將產品實現量產.進而將產品推出.

這是我對日後工作的一個picture, 想請問大大, 真的有這樣的工作內容嗎? 我曾與我們公司一位行銷副處長聊過, 似乎這樣的工作內容其實就是行銷工作內容, 所以我才決定不再繼續攻讀博士, MBA 也許才是我需要的. 請大家集思廣益幫我解答吧, 因為面對轉換跑道內心卻時不安,擔心念完MBA 其實也是找不到我想要的工作. 再請問一下, 如果日後是要找這樣工作, 就業領域應屬於行銷 還是 製造業呢?
帖子: 2
注册: 2008-05-01 00:53

Re: 請問這樣的工作內容是屬於行銷嗎??

帖子cburger » 2008-09-24 10:12


First of all, I think your analysis of what you have and what you want to do is pretty good. If you develop your essay based on this line of thought, it should have a very good foundation.

Also, based on your comments, I think you shouldn't limit yourself to just marketing (行銷). There are many functions in marketing, but in most companies' cases, a marketing position usually won't have any influence on the product technical design.

If you want a more comprehensive job function, I would suggest you look into a few more functions:

1. Consulting(not just strategy consulting) - it sharpens up your critical thinking in a very compact time, and also lets you analyze industries in a objective perspective.
2. Strategic Planning - it gives you a comprehensive view of a company.
3. Business Development - you would have more influence with a particular product/service, from development to marketing

The positions I mentioned are either very, very competitive or very scarce (quite often both). So even if you don't manage to get those positions, they are still a good mid-term goal to aim for.

And marketing usually is defined as a function, not an industry, so you are not choosing between marketing and manufacturing, but you are looking for marketing positions in a manufacturing industry.
帖子: 136
注册: 2006-04-20 04:12

Re: 請問這樣的工作內容是屬於行銷嗎??

帖子merryrose » 2008-09-24 23:08

看完你的文章 著實讓我有其他想法
先是很開心 因為第一句就看到你的誇獎 呵呵...
果然潛水查詢別人的經驗 不如自己提問更直接

1. About the three more functions you mentioned, are they belonging to marketing field or they are independent business functions?
2. 文章提到, 一般公司的marketing比較少與產品技術扯上關係,那麼一般在公司中主導公司產品開發方向的是哪種positions?
3. 這三種functions都是比較偏向comprehensive job functions,是否你認為我所picture的工作內容其實比較像全面的(comprehensive),包含技術與市場? 因為你提到的那三種functions, 似乎是公司內部很高層級在做的事情,對於要入此行的人可以先從哪種positions開始做起呢? (就是哪個職位的工作呢? 或是根本沒有這樣性質的工作?) ?
3. consulting 是指向麥肯錫這類公司所做的嗎?

不好意思問題有點detail, 因為看了你的建議後,我會去仔細研究一下你說的, 所以希望先把自己的疑問釐清.
可以請你幫我解答一下嗎 真是感激不盡
帖子: 2
注册: 2008-05-01 00:53

Re: 請問這樣的工作內容是屬於行銷嗎??

帖子cburger » 2008-09-25 10:15


1. Each company may have a different organizational structure, but strategic planning/business development are separate business functions (Consulting is an industry rather than a function in a company). In a more organizationally fluid company, it is possible that you will do both. So just by looking at the job title is not enough, you need to research more about the company and also its culture.

2. This again is different with each company, but I would say most likely it's the strategic planning people who decide the general direction (ie. We need to enter the consumer electronics market), and business development people who, along with the technical staff, decide on how to implement it (ie. we will do a portable music player to compete with Apple). The 3 roles in this scenario (Strat. planning, BD, technical manager) will all have influence on the direction of the product, but at different levels.

3. I guess it's my personal view that MBAs should always take a more comprehensive role in a company (if you want to specialize, you should think about other degrees, ie MS Finance), but because of opportunity/experience, not every MBA can start with such role. Generally speaking, the larger the company is, the more opportunity there is for strat. planning/BD. It's not easy for sure, but the bigger issue is 'fit': how does your MBA training + experience make you more fit than the other candidates. 我建議你要aim high. MBA就是可以給你一個機會讓你不用從基層(低薪?)做起. 如果你一開始就是持著一個low risk/low return的態度, 而沒有表現比較積極/aggressive的態度, 在跟別的MBA爭取相同的工作時就會吃虧. That being said, if there's no immediate opening for such role, I would suggest you look at

a. industry (which industry typically has such positions open)
b. company (which companies within the industry are good fits/have flexible internal transfer mechanism)
c. function (does the function interest you/give you opportunity to switch)

4. For a more detailed explanation about consulting industry, I suggest you take a look at the consulting forum here:
http://www.formosamba.com/viewforum.php?f=56. Basically there are different types of consulting.
帖子: 136
注册: 2006-04-20 04:12

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