Clear Admit / FormosaMBA - Top-10 MBA錄取策略座談會!


版主: James, Behemoth

Clear Admit / FormosaMBA - Top-10 MBA錄取策略座談會!

文章formosamba » 2014-06-11 11:22

Clear Admit / FormosaMBA Top-10 MBA錄取策略座談會!

Clear Admit (CA) 與FormosaMBA攜手合作, 邀請台灣今年最成功的八位MBA申請者全數參加本活動,包括所有錄取Stanford和Harvard的兩男兩女!

第一場: Saturday, June 21, 2014, 1 PM to 5 PM
第二場: Sunday, July 13, 2014, 1 PM to 5 PM

生命力人文空間 Vital Living Space

報名: email Kevin Chen at kevin@clearadmit.com並在email上註明您要參加那一場(可以兩場都報名)

報名費: 免費

報名時附上英文resume就有機會贏得Clear Admit免費修改一篇500字長的application essay (essay要在八月底前

演講團:台灣今年MBA錄取成績最輝煌的八位申請者. 背景簡介為:

Ms. L: 台灣今年唯一HBS, Wharton和Kellogg都錄取的申請者, 包括HBS獎學金
Mr. T: 台灣三年來唯一錄取HBS的男生
Ms. M: 台灣今年唯一Stanford和MIT Sloan雙錄取的申請者
Ms. L: 台灣今年唯一Chicago Booth和Kellogg雙錄取的申請者, 包括Booth獎學金
Mr. L: 台灣三年來唯一錄取Stanford的男生
Ms. C: 台灣今年唯一MIT Sloan 和Kellogg雙錄取的申請者
Ms. H: 台灣今年唯一MIT Sloan 和Wharton雙錄取的申請者
Ms. Y: 台灣歷年來罕見非國立大學背景錄取Wharton的申請者 (八強申請者中唯一非CA客戶; 感謝她願意賞臉參加!)


世界頂尖MBA申請顧問Clear Admit (CA) 本次很榮幸與FormosaMBA合作 , 邀請到台灣今年最成功的八位MBA申請者進行兩場空前的top 10 MBA錄取策略分享會, 希望讓未來申請者更了解怎樣拼進 top 10 MBA的窄門!

同時,CA與FormosaMBA也會在活動中分享這三年來進入台灣MBA市場跟台灣頂尖申請者成功合作錄取top 10 MBA的經驗。 三年來, CA的台灣客戶團包辦了超過70%的台灣M7總錄取名額,超過90%的台灣Harvard/Stanford/Wharton總錄取名額, 以及今年100%的台灣Harvard/Stanford總錄取名額.


Ms. C (MIT; Kellogg)
Mr. T (HBS)
Mr. L (Stanford)
Ms. Y (Wharton; Darden; Michigan Ross)

Ms. L (Chicago Booth; Kellogg)
Ms. L (HBS; Wharton; Kellogg)
Ms. H (MIT; Wharton; Michigan Ross)
Ms M (Stanford; MIT)


每場會後將有自由交談時間讓未來申請者直接和演講者們溝通. 但為讓互動更深入, 每場與會人數將僅限50人參加,所以對申請top 10 MBA有興趣的同學們請趕快報名!

The event will be hosted in person by Kevin Chen, Senior Consultant and Partner for Clear Admit, and Eric Chang, MIT Sloan School of Management, Class of 2008.

Kevin Chen
Graduate schools: Stanford Graduate School of Business; Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Undergraduate school: Princeton University
Work experiences: McKinsey & Co; NBA; Reuters

Eric Chang
Graduate school: MIT Sloan School of Management, Class of 2008
Undergraduate: NCCU
Work experiences: Enspire Capital, Altman Vilandrie & Co., Intel.

To sign up:
Email: Kevin Chen, Clear Admit Senior Admissions Counselor, at with the following information:

Your name
Your current company and title (if currently working)
Your undergraduate school
Your GMAT score
Your target business schools
Any questions you would like to ask

Clear Admit is an MBA admissions consulting firm founded and staffed by full-time consultants with extensive experiences and connections at the admissions offices of top MBA programs such as Stanford, Harvard, Wharton and Columbia. As featured by BusinessWeek and The Wall Street Journal, Clear Admit uses a highly personalized methodology that combines the perspectives of MBA admissions officers, expert editors, MBA students, and MBA applicants to maximize applicants’ chances for acceptance at top MBA programs.

About FormosaMBA
FormosaMBA is the largest professional Taiwan MBA community, where current and potential applicants can interact with school alumni/admissions officers/application consultants. We work with top MBA programs and professional experts around the world to provide timely and accurate application information for prospective/current MBA students and alumni.
文章: 76
註冊時間: 2008-10-16 00:00

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