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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 檢視主題 - 請教: MBA入學前對進入MC產業的準備工作

請教: MBA入學前對進入MC產業的準備工作

管理顧問公司連續好幾年蟬聯Top MBA畢業生的最愛前五名,快進來瞭解這個產業的魅力,概況,前景,薪資水平與面試訣竅吧!

版主: Opeman, Behemoth

請教: MBA入學前對進入MC產業的準備工作

文章gfar » 2009-04-06 12:49

Hello Sean:
今天花一天時間把您之前的文章都過一遍...真的受益良多...thanks a lot for creating this knowledge community for TW!

我今年要去美國top5 MBA就讀, management consulting是我畢業的target industry之一 (top priority). 我現在已經辭職了, 1) 想請教一下在入學前有沒有一些具體的準備工作可以建議來更幫助我在入學後可以很快的進入consulting career track的狀態? e.g. book, website, networking...

大學: 經濟系輔修企管 (GPA:3.4)
工作: 1.5y military + 3.5 y IT industry (service/outsourcing/consulting) - functions: biz process analysis/project management/biz development

2) MC公司會不會value跨國的工作經驗? 若會, 是在何種面象上作evaluate (i.e. 特定哪些國家 或是 哪些國家的特定產業 or even just to ensure ur capability working in multinational environment ) ? 對有跨國經驗的人, 該如何在resume上去體現出MC公司要的特質?
* 我有在印度9m跟在中國2.5y的工作經驗

3) MC公司是不是喜歡有industry focus的人? 且是不是不太喜歡之前有其他間tier 2 consulting firm工作經驗的人?
* 我之前的項目多是在中國與台灣 banking industry的IT項目, 但並不是作第一線client facing的consulting

4) 成績??
我大學GPA 3.4, GMAT只有680. mba的GPA是不是也是一個公司會看的指標? 大概是多少以上算是"好!!!"


文章: 58
註冊時間: 2006-03-28 17:19

Re: 請教: MBA入學前對進入MC產業的準備工作

文章Opeman » 2009-04-06 23:33

Hi Gfar,

You are welcome. Please see my answers as follows:

1) 想請教一下在入學前有沒有一些具體的準備工作可以建議來更幫助我在入學後可以很快的進入consulting career track的狀態? e.g. book, website, networking...

Please refer to the articles on the top of this forum. You will find some case preparation materials as well as school case book.

2) MC公司會不會value跨國的工作經驗? 若會, 是在何種面象上作evaluate (i.e. 特定哪些國家 或是 哪些國家的特定產業 or even just to ensure ur capability working in multinational environment ) ? 對有跨國經驗的人, 該如何在resume上去體現出MC公司要的特質?
* 我有在印度9m跟在中國2.5y的工作經驗

Short answer is yes. It's a way to evaluate your communication/ project coordination/ project management ability. Remember to emphasize these three strengths in your resume.

3) MC公司是不是喜歡有industry focus的人? 且是不是不太喜歡之前有其他間tier 2 consulting firm工作經驗的人?
* 我之前的項目多是在中國與台灣 banking industry的IT項目, 但並不是作第一線client facing的consulting

I don't think that is an issue. Working in other consulting firms also proves that you have certain level of problem solving ability.
4) 成績??
我大學GPA 3.4, GMAT只有680. mba的GPA是不是也是一個公司會看的指標? 大概是多少以上算是"好!!!"

During the application, most of the consulting firms won't ask for GMAT and GPA ( to my memory).
Resume and your working experience (before interview) and case cracking is still the key.

Good luck!
Sean Lin
The Boston Consulting Group
The University Of Chicago, MBA Class of 2007
美洲留學版/管理顧問業討論專版/Formosa同學會-Chicago Booth 版主
文章: 486
註冊時間: 2004-11-19 01:24
來自: 香港 Times Square

Re: 請教: MBA入學前對進入MC產業的準備工作

文章cburger » 2009-04-07 11:19

Offering my 2cents:

though i personally didn't apply for mgmt consulting when I was in MBA, I did see a lot of people trying to apply and I attended a few workshops. Hopefully my advice is helpful.

For me the main point of consulting is: Resume gets you in the door. After that it's all fair competition.

So while you need to spend time on your resume, start working on case interviews as soon as possible. Like Opeman said, stressing problem solving, communication skills, and broad international/function experience is important. Previous industries/job titles are not. Being in a highly regarded MBA program is definitely helpful (and even more so if it's one of the targeted recruiting schools). Unfortunately, I think undergrad GPA and GMAT scores have some importance, but given your school brand, i think they cancel each other off pretty much, so you need to stressing your skills to make an impression.

but everything still comes down to case interviews. You can deal with the finer points of resume with your career adviser later, but start reading and getting used to case interviews. It is a lot more difficult/different than you think.
文章: 136
註冊時間: 2006-04-20 04:12

Re: 請教: MBA入學前對進入MC產業的準備工作

文章gfar » 2009-04-07 12:57

Hello Sean/ cburger:
Thanks a lot for your great advices! I think the KEY is two things - resume and case interview!

Yeah I have downloaded the materials in this forum and purchased the book "Crack the case". Hopefully I will be able to digest those in next couple months...

文章: 58
註冊時間: 2006-03-28 17:19

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