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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 檢視主題 - [請問] LSE A&F 與 UIUC MSA之比較

[請問] LSE A&F 與 UIUC MSA之比較


[請問] LSE A&F 與 UIUC MSA之比較

文章yuerwu » 2007-04-12 18:11


除了跨國家、跨討論區之外,可能性質也滿不同的吧! ^^;;;


[LSE Accounting and Finance program]


1 若是之後想要繼續讀博士研究的話,是不是LSE這種偏理論的program較適合呢?
2 若是想要在拿global pay回亞洲就業的話,是不是LSE比較適合呢?
3 若以我的經驗看來,幾乎沒有研究的經驗,這樣子申請博士的話是不是很困難而且奇怪呢?

台灣BA in accounting 台灣四大工作兩年


文章: 12
註冊時間: 2006-08-04 23:33

文章Yimmiwan » 2007-04-12 21:50

I will attempt to differentiate the two programs and offer some thoughts/suggestions, but ultimately, it comes to down to what you really want.

UIUC accounting is well known in the U.S. MSA program likely places many graduates into Big 4 firms and other companies' accounting departments. From the program structure, the courses are U.S. accounting focused and covers major accounting principles and concentrations. So if your immediate goal after study is getting a job in the U.S., UIUC can help you. I am not sure how it's relatively remote location can affect recruiting, but at least it's close enough to Chicago and other major Midwest cities.

LSE is much more well known in the world, not just in accounting circle, but also in academia/social research in general. I like the courses structure a lot. It doesn't just teach accounting principles but also touch relevant finance topics that heavily rely on accounting practices. Personally, if I had known this program before, I would probably apply. I find accounting to be more interesting when smashing with other business functions, not just audit/tax. As for job prospect, companies in London place a premium value on LSE graduates, and London is not short of opportunity. I also think UK is a little more friendlier to foreign workers than U.S. (as for granting working visa).

Another caveat, LSE requires GMAT (w/ average score 666) and UIUC doesn't. While GMAT score doesn't directly link to student quality, the requirement speaks a more serious part from the students wanting to be in the program. The average score also provides a gauge showing the "smartness" of LSE students. Therefore, I think LSE has better learning environment.

And considering your ambition to study PhD later on, LSE brand is probably better than UIUC. But I know nothing about applying and studying for PhD, so I won't comment much.

To sum up, it depends what you are looking for: to study in a more U.S. centric program (then working in US) or international focused accounting/finance program (then working in UK). I doubt Big 4 offer global paid, if you choose returning to Asia.
最後由 Yimmiwan 於 2007-04-13 03:53 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
When one door closes another door opens; but we do often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.
- Alexander Graham Bell
文章: 271
註冊時間: 2006-10-21 10:45
來自: The Big Apple

文章MarkHsu » 2007-04-13 01:50

To follow up:

(1) UIUC has 2 accounting programs: MSA and MAS.
I don't think the MSA program is that well-respected and hence, you will have a more difficult time finding accounting jobs in the US vs. the MAS program. (The school also devotes more resources to the MAS students.) The problem is that Taiwanese students have a hard time differentiating between the program and just go for the UIUC "name." In essence, the MSA program is just an expensive CPA prep course.

(2) Accounting pay in HK & Singapore is comparable to US pay. On a post-tax basis, it can actually exceed the US. But, to get this type of pay, you need to have experience. For example, a 5th yr at a Big-4 in HK is paid ~ USD 100,000.

(3) If you want to work anywhere in Asia, the UIUC name is pretty much worthless. On the other hand, if you say you are a LSE grad in HK/Sing, the name carries a lot of weight, up there with Oxford/Cambridge.
文章: 315
註冊時間: 2005-11-02 04:53

文章modern » 2007-05-06 15:30

香港是個很奇怪的地方XD 職業/人才的供需有他的特殊之處
我只能說香港這地方就是個金融島,一切跟金融有關的工作都有premium,這狀況就跟台灣是個IT島一樣,作工程師 being paid higher !

確實,experienced CPA 又待在四大的, "可以"拿很高 (但當然不是每個人都有.非四大的自然是沒有馬克說的那價碼.即使是四大的也有很多人升不上那個位子所以也沒那個價碼.)

BUT!!!! 香港的會計師"生活品質"是要好好考慮的

真的可以跟台灣的華碩的操法比擬 有過之而無不及

至少我們PT班上搞會計的告訴我 他們工作時數大概只比做IB, Consulting的少些, 比一般工作都多.

本校有一個post CPA job之後到美國拿了PHD回來教書的教授
Morden Chen |CUHK MBA Class of 2008

文章: 1319
註冊時間: 2005-10-19 23:31
來自: Microsoft China

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