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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 檢視主題 - Prep Test2- essay7

Prep Test2- essay7

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Prep Test2- essay7

文章kaijen » 2007-09-20 16:22

Test2- Essay #7. 216 (22243-!-item-!-188;#058&00216-00)

The United States hospital industry is an unusual market in that nonprofit and for-profit producers exist simultaneously. Theoretical literature offers conflicting views on whether nonprofit hospitals are less financially efficient. Theory suggests that nonprofit hospitals are so much more interested in offering high-quality service than in making money that they frequently input more resources to provide the same output of service as for-profit hospitals. This priority might also often lead them to be less vigilant in streamlining their services--eliminating duplication between departments, for instance. Conversely, while profit motive is thought to encourage for-profit hospitals to attain efficient production, most theorists admit that obstacles to that efficiency remain. For-profit hospital managers, for example, generally work independently of hospital owners and thus may not always make maximum financial efficiency their highest priority. The literature also suggests that widespread adoption of third-party payment systems may eventually eliminate any such potential differences between the two kinds of hospitals.

The same literature offers similarly conflicting views of the efficiency of nonprofit hospitals from a social welfare perspective. Newhouse (1970) contends that nonprofit hospital managers unnecessarily expand the quality and quantity of hospital care beyond the actual needs of the community, while Weisbrod (1975) argues that nonprofit firms--hospitals included--contribute efficiently to community welfare by providing public services that might be inadequately provided by government alone.

Question #22. 216-03 (22289-!-item-!-188;#058&000216-03)

Which of the following best describes the overall content of the second paragraph of the passage?

(A) It describes views concerning a particular aspect of one of the types of hospitals discussed earlier.
(B) It describes an additional benefit of one of the types of hospitals discussed earlier.
(C) It offers a potential solution to a problem inherent in the structure of the United States hospital industry.
(D) It provides an additional contrast between the two types of hospitals discussed earlier.
(E) It describes one of the consequences of the character of the United States hospital market.


Question #23. 216-04 (22335-!-item-!-188;#058&000216-04)

According to the passage, Newhouse's view of the social welfare efficiency of nonprofit hospitals differs from Weisbrod's view in that Newhouse

(A) contends that government already provides most of the services that communities need
(B) argues that for-profit hospitals are better at meeting actual community needs than are nonprofit hospitals
(C) argues that nonprofit hospitals are likely to spend more to provide services that the community requires than for-profit hospitals are likely to spend
(D) argues that nonprofit hospitals ought to expand the services they provide to meet the community's demands
(E) believes that the level of care provided by nonprofit hospitals is inappropriate, given the community's requirements


Question #24. 216-05 (22381-!-item-!-188;#058&000216-05)

The passage suggests which of the following about the managers mentioned in the highlighted text?

(A) They have generally been motivated to streamline hospital services as a result of direct intervention by hospital owners.
(B) They are more likely than managers of nonprofit hospitals to use unnecessary amounts of resources to provide services.
(C) Their most important self-acknowledged goal is to achieve maximum financial efficiency so that hospitals show a profit.
(D) Their decisions regarding services provided by their hospitals may not reflect hospital owners' priorities.
(E) They do not place a high priority on maximizing profits, despite their desire to achieve efficiency.

最後由 kaijen 於 2007-09-20 16:24 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
文章: 177
註冊時間: 2006-06-01 01:14

文章kaijen » 2007-09-20 16:24

Question #24. 216-05 (22381-!-item-!-188;#058&000216-05)

The passage suggests which of the following about the managers mentioned in the highlighted text?

(A) They have generally been motivated to streamline hospital services as a result of direct intervention by hospital owners.
(B) They are more likely than managers of nonprofit hospitals to use unnecessary amounts of resources to provide services.
(C) Their most important self-acknowledged goal is to achieve maximum financial efficiency so that hospitals show a profit.
(D) Their decisions regarding services provided by their hospitals may not reflect hospital owners' priorities.
(E) They do not place a high priority on maximizing profits, despite their desire to achieve efficiency.


(E) They do not place a high priority on maximizing profits, despite their desire to achieve efficiency.

是不是要改成They do not place a high priority on maximizing financial efficiency, despite their desire to achieve it.
Kevin Wang
Candidate for MBA, Class of 2011
Duke University, The Fuqua School of Business
文章: 177
註冊時間: 2006-06-01 01:14

文章dibert8 » 2007-09-21 07:28

Q #24 定位(推論)題
For-profit hospital managers, for example, generally work independently of hospital owners and thus may not always make maximum financial efficiency their highest priority.

(E) 武斷語氣 do not = (always) do not =/= may not always
文章: 2202
註冊時間: 2007-01-08 01:17

文章chris8888 » 2008-01-18 11:56

The United States hospital industry is an unusual market in that nonprofit and for-profit producers exist simultaneously. Theoretical literature offers conflicting views on whether nonprofit hospitals are less financially efficient.(理論的文獻提供衝突性的觀點) Theory suggests that nonprofit hospitals are so much more interested in offering high-quality service than in making money that they frequently input more resources to provide the same output of service as for-profit hospitals. This priority might also often lead them to be less vigilant in streamlining their services--eliminating duplication between departments, for instance. Conversely, while profit motive is thought to encourage for-profit hospitals to attain efficient production, most theorists admit that obstacles to that efficiency remain. For-profit hospital managers, for example, generally work independently of hospital owners and thus may not always make maximum financial efficiency their highest priority. The literature also suggests that widespread adoption of third-party payment systems may eventually eliminate any such potential differences between the two kinds of hospitals. (第三類團體的出現可以解決這兩個醫院的可能差異)

The same literature offers similarly conflicting views of the efficiency of nonprofit hospitals from a social welfare perspective. Newhouse (1970) contends that nonprofit hospital(非營利機構醫院) managers unnecessarily expand the quality and quantity of hospital care beyond the actual needs of the community, while Weisbrod (1975) argues that nonprofit(非營利機構) firms--hospitals included--contribute efficiently to community welfare by providing public services that might be inadequately provided by government alone. (文獻又提出衝突點)

Question #22. 216-03 (22289-!-item-!-188;#058&000216-03)

Which of the following best describes the overall content of the second paragraph of the passage?

(A) It describes views concerning a particular aspect of one of the types of hospitals discussed earlier.
前一段討論的non-profit and for-profit醫院之中的non-profit 來討論.
(B) It describes an additional benefit of one of the types of hospitals discussed earlier. 好處?? 沒有
(C) It offers a potential solution to a problem inherent in the structure of the United States hospital industry. 問題的解決方案, 沒有
(D) It provides an additional contrast between the two types of hospitals discussed earlier. 我一開始選到這個, 因為急著作答, 要仔細看第二段, 兩個論點都是講非營利, 我原先沒仔細看, 以為是針對non-profit and for-profit對比, 就選了它. 錯
(E) It describes one of the consequences of the character of the United States hospital market. 後果, 沒有

Question #23. 216-04 (22335-!-item-!-188;#058&000216-04)

According to the passage, Newhouse's view of the social welfare efficiency of nonprofit hospitals differs from Weisbrod's view in that Newhouse

根據這句話Newhouse (1970) contends that nonprofit hospital(非營利機構醫院) managers unnecessarily expand the quality and quantity of hospital care beyond the actual needs of the community, 非營利的醫院提供了超過了社群的需求

(A) contends that government already provides most of the services that communities need
(B) argues that for-profit hospitals are better at meeting actual community needs than are nonprofit hospitals
(C) argues that nonprofit hospitals are likely to spend more to provide services that the community requires than for-profit hospitals are likely to spend
(D) argues that nonprofit hospitals ought to expand the services they provide to meet the community's demands
(E) believes that the level of care provided by nonprofit hospitals is inappropriate, given the community's requirements 將社群的需要考慮進去後., 非營利機構所提供的服務不恰當

Question #24. 216-05 (22381-!-item-!-188;#058&000216-05)

The passage suggests which of the following about the managers mentioned in the highlighted text?

For-profit hospital managers, for example, generally work independently of hospital owners and thus may not always make maximum financial efficiency their highest priority.
注意是may 不是 don't 與氣有差

(A) They have generally been motivated to streamline hospital services as a result of direct intervention by hospital owners.
(B) They are more likely than managers of nonprofit hospitals to use unnecessary amounts of resources to provide services.
(C) Their most important self-acknowledged goal is to achieve maximum financial efficiency so that hospitals show a profit.
(D) Their decisions regarding services provided by their hospitals may not reflect hospital owners' priorities.
用may剛好, 也提到priority
(E) They do not place a high priority on maximizing profits, despite their desire to achieve efficiency.
太強硬, do not, 也沒有提到他的的企求是要去完成財務上的效能. 只說她們可能不太在乎於財務上的效能, 所以沒放在prioirty第一位.
文章: 444
註冊時間: 2007-07-31 22:47

文章sunnyblue13s » 2008-03-28 22:19

Question #24. 216-05 (22381-!-item-!-188;#058&000216-05)



文章: 236
註冊時間: 2006-01-18 23:05
來自: Phoenix, AZ

文章Huang Hsin-Yi » 2008-03-28 22:30


while profit motive is thought to encourage for-profit hospitals to attain efficient production, most theorists admit that obstacles to that efficiency remain
For-profit hospital managers, for example, generally work independently of hospital owners and thus may not always make maximum financial efficiency their highest priority.

(E) They do not place a high priority on maximizing profits, despite their desire to achieve efficiency
Huang Hsin-Yi
文章: 1038
註冊時間: 2007-08-17 00:41
來自: Tainan

文章sunnyblue13s » 2008-03-28 22:50

文章: 236
註冊時間: 2006-01-18 23:05
來自: Phoenix, AZ

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