
Graduate Record Examination


帖子ggmmla » 2009-11-17 20:08

作者: NiniChen (決戰6G) 看板: GRE_Verbal
標題: [分享]ISSUE好用例子
時間: Thu Apr 23 16:19:40 2009

對於昨天寄私信給我的版眾 不好意思
我想 我就直接將我整理的例子PO在版上好了



1. 君王
1).秦始皇(Qin Shi Huang)—專制獨裁、焚書坑儒
He became the first emperor of a unified China in 221 BCE. Qin Shi Huang who almost always portrayed as a brutal tyrant remains a controversial figure in Chinese history. After unifying China, he and his chief adviser Li Si passed a series of major economic and political reforms.[3] He undertook gigantic projects, including the first version of the Great Wall of China. To ensure stability, Qin Shi Huang outlawed Confucianism and buried many scholars alive.[4] All books other than those officially
decreed were banned and burned in what is known as the great Confucian purge. Despite the tyranny of his autocratic rule, Qin Shi Huang is regarded as a pivotal figure.

2).羅馬亞歷山大大帝(Alexander the Great)—擴大羅馬版圖。他維持了以馬其頓領導的統一希臘諸城邦,並征服了波斯及其它亞洲王國,直至印度的邊界。他用13年時間征服了當時歐洲視角的「已知世界」,被認為是歷史上重要的軍事家。
Alexander the Great, the king of Macedon, was one of the most successful military commanders of all time and is presumed undefeated in battle. By the time of his death, he had conquered the Achaemenid Persian Empire, adding it to Macedon's European territories; according to some modern writers, this was most of the world as known to the ancient Greeks. [

2. 政治人物
1).喬治華盛頓(George Washington)—美國第一位總統,在他最後一次演說中,要求人們凡事以國家利益為重,告誡美國切勿同任何國家締結永久性的同盟,更不要捲入不必要的戰爭。同時,他表示不再出任總統。從而開創美國歷史上摒棄終身總統,和平轉移權力的範例。華盛頓為美國獨立和統一立下了不朽的功勳,他的民主精神也在美國產生了深遠的影響,在美國人民心中享有崇高的聲望,被尊稱為美國的"國父"。
He served as the first President of the United States of America, and was lauded as the "Father of His Country."[.. Washington's Farewell Address was one of the most influential statements of American political values. The address was a primer on republican virtue and a stern warning against partisanship, sectionalism, and involvement in foreign wars. He refused to run for a third, establishing the customary policy of a maximum of two terms for a president. Washington is seen as a symbol of the
United States and republicanism in practice. His devotion to civic virtue made him an exemplary figure among early American politicians.

2).富蘭克林羅斯福(Franklin Delano Roosevelt)—小兒麻痺患者,其夫人說”沒有你的同意,沒有人能看輕你”。第32任美國總統。他是20世紀世界經濟危機和世界大戰的中心人物之一。自1933年至1945年,他連續出任四屆美國總統,且是唯一連任超過兩屆的美國總統。在1930年代經濟大蕭條期間,羅斯福推行新政,以提供失業救濟與復甦經濟,並成立各種機構如公共事業振興署(WPA)、國家復興管理局(NRA)和農業調整管理局(AAA)等來改革經濟和銀行體系。[
FDR, was the 32nd President of the United States. He was a central figure of the 20th century during a time of worldwide economic crisis and world war. Elected to four terms in office, he served from 1933 to 1945 and is the only U.S. president to have served more than two terms. During the Great Depression of the 1930s, Roosevelt created the New Deal to provide relief for the unemployed, recovery of the economy, and reform of the economic and banking systems, through various agencies, such as the Works
Project Administration (WPA), National Recovery Administration (NRA), and the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA). Roosevelt contracted an illness, at the time believed to be polio, which resulted in his total and permanent paralysis from the waist down.
*沒有人可以看輕你.除非你同意 ~ No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
(from his wife~羅斯福夫人Eleanor Roosevelt)

3).亞伯拉罕林肯(Abraham Lincoln)—美國第十六任總統。林肯反對奴隸制度,認為它在道德上是邪惡的,與《獨立宣言》中「人生而平等」的原則相矛盾。《蓋茲堡》(英文:Gettysburg Address)是亞伯拉罕‧林肯最著名的演說,也是美國歷史上為人引用最多之政治性演說。林肯訴諸獨立宣言所支持的凡人生而平等之原則,並重新定義這場內戰,不止是為聯邦存續而奮鬥,而是「自由之新生」,將真平等帶給全體公民。林肯論及美國獨立革命,稱許蓋茲堡這場揭幕式為一契機,不止題獻一塊墓地,更能尊崇殊死奮鬥以確保「民有、民治、民享之政府當免於凋零」者。
He successfully led the country through its greatest internal crisis, the American Civil War, preserving the Union and ending slavery. The Gettysburg Address is one of the most quoted speeches in United States history. Lincoln invoked the principles of human equality espoused by the Declaration of Independence and redefined the Civil War as a struggle not merely for the Union, but as "a new birth of freedom" that would bring true equality to all of its citizens, and that would also create a unified
nation in which states' rights were no longer dominant. Lincoln referred to the living to the struggle to ensure that "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth".

3. 科學家
1).哥白尼(Nicolaus Copernicus)--第一位提出太陽為中心——日心說的歐洲天文學家,一般認為他著的《天體運行論》是現代天文學的起步點。在當時,天文學採用的是托勒密的天文體系。這一體系的基本出發思想是地球處於宇宙的中心和所有天體的運行軌道都是圓形-地心說(the geocentric model, embraced by both Aristotle and Ptolemy)。哥白尼的學說改變了那個時代人類對宇宙的認識,而且動搖了歐洲中世紀宗教神學的理論基礎。
Copernicus was the first astronomer to formulate a comprehensive heliocentric cosmology, which displaced the Earth from the center of the universe.[1] His epochal book, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), is often regarded as the starting point of modern astronomy and the defining epiphany that began the Scientific Revolution.

2). 艾薩克‧牛頓爵士(Sir Isaac Newton)--對萬有引力和三大運動定律進行了描述。這些描述奠定了此後三個世紀裡物理世界的科學觀點,並成為了現代工程學的基礎。他通過論證克卜勒行星運動定律與他的重力理論間的一致性,展示了地面物體與天體的運動都遵循著相同的自然定律;為太陽中心說提供了強有力的理論支持,並推動了科學革命。一則著名的故事稱,牛頓在受到一顆從樹上掉落的蘋果啟發後,闡示出了他的萬有引力定律。
He was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and one of the most influential men in human history. His Philosophia Naturalis Principia Mathematica, published in 1687, is considered to be the most influential book in the history of science, laying the groundwork for most of classical mechanics. In this work, Newton described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion which dominated the scientific view of the physical universe for the next three centuries. Newton showed that the
motions of objects on Earth and of celestial bodies are governed by the same set of natural laws by demonstrating the consistency between Kepler's laws of planetary motion and his theory of gravitation, thus removing the last doubts about heliocentrism and advancing the scientific revolution. Newton himself often told that story that he was inspired to formulate his theory of gravitation by watching the fall of an apple from a tree. Cartoons have gone further to suggest the apple actually hit Newton's
head, and that its impact somehow made him aware of the force of gravity.
If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

3).愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein)--理論物理學家,相對論的創立者。
He was a German-born theoretical physicist. He is best known for his theory of relativity and specifically mass–energy equivalence, expressed by the equation E = mc2. Einstein received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect.
a.想像力比知識更重要 Imagination is more important than knowledge.
It is essential that the student acquires an understanding of and a lively feeling for values. He must acquire a vivid sense of the beautiful and of the morally good. Otherwise he----with his specialized knowledge----more closely resembles a well-trained dog than a harmoniously developed person.
Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius— and a lot of courage— to move in the opposite direction.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
f. 教育就是當一個人把在學校所學全部忘光之後剩下的東西
Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.
I think that only daring speculation can lead us further and not accumulation of facts.
It is harder to crack a prejudice than an atom.
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.

4). 湯瑪斯‧阿爾瓦‧愛迪生(Thomas Alva Edison)-- 美國發明家、商人,一位開發出很多重要裝置的人,是世界上第一個發明家利用大量生產原則和其工業研究實驗室來生產發明物的人。愛迪生被視為當代發明最多產物的人,在他名下擁有1093項專利。
He was an American inventor and businessman who developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph and the long-lasting, practical electric light bulb. He was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production and large teamwork to the process of invention, and therefore is often credited with the creation of the first industrial research laboratory. Edison is considered one of the most prolific inventors in history, holding 1,093 U.S.
patents in his name, as well as many patents in the United Kingdom, France and Germany. He is credited with numerous inventions that contributed to mass communication and, in particular, telecommunications.
*Genius is one per cent inspiration, ninety-nine per cent perspiration.

She was a physicist and chemist of Polish upbringing and, subsequently, French citizenship. She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, the first person honored with two Nobel Prizes,[1] and the first female professor at the University of Paris. Her achievements include the creation of a theory of radioactivity (a term coined by her[2]), techniques for isolating radioactive isotopes(同位素), and the discovery of two new elements, polonium and radium. It was also under her personal direction that
the world's first studies were conducted into the treatment of neoplasms ("cancers"), using radioactive isotopes.

4. 心理學家
1).弗洛依德(Sigmund Freud)--
He was an Austrian psychiatrist who founded the psychoanalytic school of psychology.[1] Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind and the defense mechanism of repression and for creating the clinical practice of psychoanalysis for curing psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst. Freud is also renowned for his redefinition of sexual desire as the primary motivational energy of human life, as well as his therapeutic techniques, including the use of free
association, his theory of transference in the therapeutic relationship, and the interpretation of dreams as sources of insight into unconscious desires. He was also an early neurological researcher into cerebral palsy. While of significant historical interest, many of Freud's ideas have fallen out of favor or have been modified by Neo-Freudians, although in the past ten years, advances in the field of neurology have shown evidence for many of his theories. Freud's methods and ideas remain important in
clinical psychodynamic approaches. In academia his ideas continue to influence the humanities and some social sciences.

5. 生物學家
1).達爾文(Charles Robert Darwin)-進化論。是一位英國著名的生物學家、博物學家,達爾文早期因地質學研究而著名,而後又提出科學證據,證明所有生物物種是由少數共同祖先,經過長時間的自然選擇過程後演化而成[1]。到了1930年代,達爾文的理論成為對演化機制的主要詮釋[1],並成為現代演化思想的基礎,在科學上可對生物多樣性進行一致且合理的解釋,是現今生物學的基石。
He was an English naturalist[I] who realised and presented compelling evidence that all species of life have evolved over time from common ancestors, through the process he called natural selection. The fact that evolution occurs became accepted by the scientific community and much of the general public in his lifetime, while his theory of natural selection came to be widely seen as the primary explanation of the process of evolution in the 1930s,[1] and now forms the basis of modern evolutionary
theory. In modified form, Darwin’s scientific discovery is the unifying theory of the life sciences, providing logical explanation for the diversity of life. In a demonstration of Michelangelo's unique standing, he was the first Western artist whose biography was published while he was alive.

6. 藝術家
1). 米開蘭基羅(Michelangelo)-- 他與李奧納多‧達文西和拉斐爾並稱「文藝復興三傑」,以人物「健美」著稱,他的雕刻作品「大衛像」(Statue of David)舉世聞名,他一生追求藝術的完美,堅持自己的藝術思路。他于1564年在羅馬去世,他的風格影響了幾乎三個世紀的藝術家。
Michelangelo was an Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, poet, and engineer. Despite making few forays beyond the arts, his versatility in the disciplines he took up was of such a high order that he is often considered a contender for the title of the archetypal Renaissance man, along with his rival and fellow Italian Leonardo da Vinci.
名言:If you knew how much work went into it, you wouldn't call it genius.
2).達芬奇(Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci)--是一位義大利文藝復興時期的多項領域博學者,他無窮的好奇與創意使得他成為文藝復興時期典型的藝術家,而且也是歷史上最著名的畫家之一。他與米開朗基羅和拉斐爾並稱「文藝復興三傑」。
He was an Italian polymath. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the renaissance man, a man whose unquenchable curiosity was equaled only by his powers of invention.[1] He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived. Leonardo was and is renowned[2] primarily as a painter. Two of his works, the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, are the most famous, most reproduced and most parodied portrait and
religious painting of all time, respectively.

3)梵谷(Vincent Willem van Gogh)—一生不得志。荷蘭畫家,後印象派代表人物。梵谷的作品著意于真實情感的再現,但一直沒有得到社會的認可,貧困潦倒直至自殺。死後他的作品才以其之震撼人心和富於想象力贏得評論界的讚揚。在他死後一些畫家開始模仿他的畫法,強調感情的宣洩,而對現實不一定作出如實的反映,這種創造性的態度被稱為表現主義。
He was a Dutch Post-Impressionist artist.[1] Some of his paintings are now among the world's best known, most popular and expensive works of art. Van Gogh is a pioneer of what came to be known as Expressionism. He had an enormous influence on 20th century art. Prodigies often could not receive contemporary appreciation and comprehension, Van Gogh is proper to be mentioned as a representative of the kind. He created the impressionism on painting, which was accepted many years after his death.
Nevertheless he pursued his own ideals and faith till he was not able to pick up a pencil.

7. 文學家
1). 喬治.桑塔亞那George Santayana--凡是忘掉過去的人注定要重蹈覆轍
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

2).馬克吐溫(Mark Twain)--是美國的幽默大師、小說家、作家,亦是著名演說家。《湯姆‧索亞歷險記》,這本書描寫了他在漢尼拔的童年。吐溫模仿自己小時候的性格,塑造出湯姆‧索亞的性格來。
Mark Twain was an American author and humorist. Twain is most noted for his novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which has since been called the Great American Novel,[4] and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He is extensively quoted. Twain enjoyed immense(廣大的) public popularity. His keen wit and incisive satire earned him praise from both critics and peers. American author William Faulkner called Twain "the father of American literature.

8. 運動家—Basketball game has its Michael Jordan, golf has its Tiger Woods, and soccer has its David Beckhum.
1).麥可喬丹(Michael Jeffrey Jordan)-- NBA前球員,被公認為美國籃球史上最偉大的球員。
He is a retired American professional basketball player and active businessman. Jordan was one of the most effectively marketed athletes of his generation and was instrumental in popularizing the NBA around the world in the 1980s and 1990s.
*名言:我從未害怕過失敗 I've never been afraid to fail.
2)老虎伍茲(Eldrick "Tiger" Woods)-- 美國高爾夫球手,當前世界排名首位,並被公認為史上最成功的高爾夫球手之一。
He is an American professional golfer whose achievements to date rank him among the most successful golfers of all time.

9. 企業家& 企業
1). 威廉‧亨利‧比爾‧蓋茲三世(William Henry "Bill" Gates III)&微軟--是一名美國企業家、軟體工程師、慈善家以及微軟公司的董事長。
He is an American business magnate, philanthropist, author, and chairman of Microsoft, the software company he founded with Paul Allen. He is ranked consistently one of the world's wealthiest people[4] and the wealthiest overall as of 2009.

2).亨利福特(Henry Ford)&汽車事業-- 美國汽車工程師與企業家,福特汽車公司的建立者。他也是世界上第一位將裝配線概念實際應用而獲得巨大成功者,並且以這種方式讓讓汽車在美國真正普及化。這種新的生產方式使汽車成為一種大眾產品,它不但革命了工業生產方式,而且對現代社會和文化起了巨大的影響,因此有一些社會理論學家將這一段經濟和社會歷史稱為「福特主義」。
He was the American founder of the Ford Motor Company and father of modern assembly lines used in mass production. His introduction of the Model T automobile revolutionized transportation and American industry. He was a prolific inventor and was awarded 161 U.S. patents. As owner of the Ford Company he became one of the richest and best-known people in the world. He is credited with "Fordism", that is, the mass production of large numbers of inexpensive automobiles using the assembly line, coupled
with high wages for his workers. Ford had a global vision, with consumerism as the key to peace. Ford did not believe in accountants; he amassed one of the world's largest fortunes without ever having his company audited under his administration. Henry Ford's intense commitment to lowering costs resulted in many technical and business innovations, including a franchise system that put a dealership in every city in North America, and in major cities on six continents.

3).賈柏斯(Steve Paul Jobs)&蘋果電腦--史提夫‧保羅‧賈伯斯是蘋果公司的現任首席執行長(首席執行官)兼創辦人之一,賈伯斯被認為是電腦業界與娛樂業界的標誌性人物,同時人們也把他視作麥金塔電腦、iPod、iTunes 商店、iPhone等知名數碼產品的締造者,他將美學至上的設計理念在全世界推廣開來。他對簡約及便利設計的推崇為他贏得了許多忠實追隨者。
He is an American businessman and co-founder, and CEO of Apple Inc. Jobs' history in business has contributed greatly to the myths of the idiosyncratic, individualistic Silicon Valley entrepreneur, emphasizing the importance of design and understanding the crucial role aesthetics play in public appeal. His work driving forward the development of products that are both functional and elegant has earned him a devoted following.

4).可口可樂--目前可口可樂在世界各地市場皆處領導地位,遠遠超越其主要競爭對手百事可樂(Pepsi Cola)。
Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold in stores, restaurants and vending machines worldwide.

5).麥當勞餐廳(McDonald's Corporation)--是大型的連鎖快餐集團,在世界上大約擁有三萬間分店,主要售賣漢堡,雞肉,薯條,碳酸飲料,沙拉,水果。麥當勞已經成為全球餐飲業最有價值的品牌。在很多國家麥當勞代表著一種美國式的生活方式。麥當勞公司每年會將營業額的一部分用於慈善事業。創始人雷‧克洛克在去世時,用他的全部財產成立了麥當勞叔叔慈善基金。並在部份醫院附近設立「麥當勞之家」以提供重症病童及家屬在就醫期間暫住之用。
It is the world's largest chain of fast food restaurants, serving nearly 47 million customers daily.[3] McDonald's primarily sells hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken products, french fries, breakfast items, soft drinks, milkshakes, and desserts. With the expansion of McDonald's into many international markets, the company has become a symbol of globalization and the spread of the American way of life. Its prominence has also made it a frequent topic of public debates about obesity, corporate ethics and
consumer responsibility.

10. 社會學
1).馬克思主義--馬克思主義主要以唯物主義角度所編寫而成。有以下的觀點: 資本主義是建立在資本家對無產階級的剝削(資本家以獲取無產階級的剩餘價值的方式獲得利潤); 認為生產關係是主宰著人類階級組成的因素;認為社會關係在歷史上是隨物質條件而變化的;認為基於不同階級之間的利益衝突的階級鬥爭是歷史推進的一個重要因素;在歷史的進程當中,舊有的階級制度將會解體並被新的體系(以所有人的利益為先的體系)所取代;人類社會最後必然走向共產主義(Communism)。
Marxism is the political philosophy and practice derived from the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marxism holds at its core a critical analysis of capitalism and a theory of social change. The powerful and innovative methods of analysis introduced by Marx have been very influential in a broad range of disciplines.

Nazism, officially National Socialism, refers to the ideology and practices of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party under Adolf Hitler, and the policies adopted by the dictatorial government of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. Among the key elements of Nazism were anti-parliamentarism, Pan-Germanism, racism, collectivism, eugenics, antisemitism, anti-communism, totalitarianism and opposition to economic liberalism and political liberalism.
希特勒--Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (abbreviated NSDAP), popularly known as the Nazi Party.

3). 水門事件(Watergate scandal,或譯水門醜聞)是美國歷史上最不光彩的政治醜聞之一。在1972年的總統大選中,為了取得民主黨內部競選策略的情報,1972年6月17日,以美國共和黨尼克森競選班子的首席安全問題顧問詹姆斯‧麥科德(James W. McCord, Jr.)為首的5人闖入位於華盛頓水門大廈的民主黨全國委員會辦公室,在安裝竊聽器並偷拍有關文件時,當場被捕。,《華盛頓郵報》的兩位記者鮑勃‧伍德沃德(Bob Woodward)和卡爾‧伯恩斯坦(Carl
The Watergate scandal was a political scandal during the presidency of Richard Nixon that resulted in the indictment and conviction of several of Nixon's closest advisors, and ultimately his resignation.


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注册: 2009-10-03 22:29

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