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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 查看主题 - OG48-30(business)(problem)(存貨過多)


GMAT 考的是閱讀....閱讀....還是閱讀....

版主: shpassion, Traver0818


帖子agk99 » 2004-09-20 20:19

Passage 30(business)(problem)

Excess inventory, a massive problem for many businesses, has several causes, some of which are unavoidable. Overstocks may accumulate through production overruns or errors. Certain styles and colors prove unpopular. With some products—computers and software, toys, and books—last year’s models are difficult to move even at huge discounts. Occasionally the competition introduces a better product. But in many cases the public’s buying tastes simply change, leaving a manufacturer or distributor with thousands (or millions) of items that the fickle (not constant) public no longer wants.
第一段:the author introduces a problem: overstock, which is resulted from error and overrun. Some products such as computers, software, toys, and books, are not easy to sell them all at a big discount. why, the customers’ taste is always changed.

One common way to dispose of this merchandise is to sell it to a liquidator, who buys as cheaply as possible and then resells the merchandise through catalogs, discount stores, and other outlets. However, liquidators may pay less for the merchandise than it cost to make it. Another way to dispose of excess inventory is to dump it. The corporation takes a straight cost write-off on its taxes and hauls (drag) the merchandise to a landfill. Although it is hard to believe, there is a sort of convoluted (complicated) logic to this approach. It is perfectly legal, requires little time or preparation on the company’s part, and solves the problem quickly. The drawback (disadvantage) is the remote possibility(雖然機率小,但是有可能) of getting caught by the news media. Dumping perfectly useful products can turn into a public relations nightmare. Children living in poverty are freezing and XYZ Company has just sent 500 new snowsuits to the local dump.(垃圾堆) Parents of young children are barely getting by(生活困苦) and QPS Company dumps 1,000 cases of disposable diapers(尿布) because they have slight imperfections (defect).
第二段:after presenting a problem, the author offers two solutions, one is to sell it to liquidator, the other is to dump it. Although the author prefer the second solution, especially its tax-deduction, waste little time, and perfectly legal, the disadvantage is getting caught by the press.

The managers of these companies are not deliberately (intentionally) wasteful; they are simply unaware of all their alternatives. In 1976 the Internal Revenue Service provided a tangible incentive for businesses to contribute their products to charity. The new tax law allowed corporations to deduct the cost of the product donated plus half the difference between cost and fair market selling price, with the proviso (但書,句意是) that deductions cannot exceed twice cost. Thus, the federal government sanctions (rule)—indeed, encourages—an above-cost federal tax deduction for companies that donate inventory to charity.(能舉例嗎)
第三段,the author thinks that the problem is there is no alternative for the manager. So the government offer the tax-deduction plan......If the companies contribute the products to the charity, they can deduce some cost from tax.
帖子: 3109
注册: 2004-08-24 22:12
地址: Shenzhen, China

帖子simommmm » 2004-11-05 18:47

line30-31不就指出"they are simply unware of all their alternatives"
不正意味著 很少有公司因此租税減免而獲利嗎?
為自己加油 i84
帖子: 40
注册: 2004-11-05 18:40

帖子Behemoth » 2004-11-05 18:57


Eric Chang
MBA Class of 2008
MIT Sloan School of Management
帖子: 2948
注册: 2004-09-10 18:19
地址: Boston

帖子simommmm » 2004-11-07 00:23

所以說 是"完全沒有"廠商獲利 而不是"很少"廠商獲利囉?
為自己加油 i84
帖子: 40
注册: 2004-11-05 18:40

帖子Behemoth » 2004-11-07 00:33

you got it..
Eric Chang
MBA Class of 2008
MIT Sloan School of Management
帖子: 2948
注册: 2004-09-10 18:19
地址: Boston

帖子micht » 2004-12-01 02:00

Overstocks may accumulate through production overruns or errors. Certain styles and colors prove unpopular. With some products—computers and software, toys, and books—last year’s models are difficult to move even at huge discounts. Occasionally the competition introduces a better product. But in many cases the public’s buying tastes simply change, leaving a manufacturer or distributor with thousands (or millions) of items that the fickle (not constant) public no longer wants

The passage provides information that supports which of the following statements?

(B) Products with slight manufacturing defects may contribute to exces inventory [稍為一點error疏失就可能造成 excess inventory 沒人要買 ie) 顏色不符合當季流行等 ]
帖子: 3276
注册: 2004-09-27 12:13

帖子agk99 » 2004-12-03 03:32

185繼續再錯一次,沒錯,答案 B對

帖子: 3109
注册: 2004-08-24 22:12
地址: Shenzhen, China

帖子davidlee0222 » 2004-12-15 19:47

Excess inventory(主旨),(兩鬥號後同位語直接跳過) a massive problem for many businesses,(當場跳過一行) has several causes(主要動辭have帶出主因考點), some(原因不只一個) of which are unavoidable. Overstocks(考點一) may accumulate(關鍵動辭) through(藉由某方法-考點看清楚) production overruns or errors(過度生產及瑕疵). (後一句廢話不要看)Certain styles and colors prove unpopular. With some products(破哲號中間廢話跳過不看)—computers and software, toys, and books—(see?當場省下兩行的時間)last year’s models are difficult(負面形容詞) to move even at huge discounts(主旨為過季滯銷). Occasionally(另一原因) the competition(關鍵考點-競爭) introduces(帶出考點) a better product(本句可考infer:競爭會使舊產品滯銷). But(轉折字但不要被騙了-前句"競爭"語氣已轉回正向,現在只是再轉回負向而已,語氣還是連貫) in many cases the public’s buying tastes simply change(第三主因), leaving(造成不願意的後果) a manufacturer or distributor with thousands (or millions) of items that the fickle (要背not constant) public no longer wants(整句廢話重複). (共有三因:製造過多或瑕疵,競爭,消費者改變偏好)

One common way(關鍵解決方案) to dispose of this merchandise is to sell it to a liquidator(賣給L這種人),(關係代名詞只是解釋L是誰,知道L就直接跳過不看) who buys as cheaply as possible and then resells the merchandise through catalogs, discount stores, and other outlets(當場跳過三行). However(語氣轉折預測下文:賣給L也有問題), liquidators may pay less for the merchandise than it cost to make it(原來是會虧本-關鍵考點). Another way(解決方案二) to dispose of excess inventory is to dump it(直接丟掉). The corporation takes a straight cost write-off(大概猜出是白費預算) on its taxes and hauls (drag) the merchandise to a landfill(這個字要背-垃圾掩埋場). Although(關鍵順向語氣字-即使如何還是如何) it is hard to believe(廢話不要看), there is a sort of convoluted (要背complicated) logic(作者態度認為直接丟掉是合理方案) to this approach. It is perfectly legal, requires little time or preparation on the company’s part, and solves the problem quickly(三大好處:合法,免準備,快). The drawback(缺點-關鍵考點) (要背disadvantage) is the remote(特殊形容詞) possibility(雖然機率小,但是有可能) of getting caught by the news media(可想而知). Dumping perfectly useful products can turn into a public relations nightmare(公關惡夢). Children living in poverty are freezing and XYZ Company has just sent 500 new snowsuits to the local dump.(垃圾堆)(本句為新聞標題-有考) Parents of young children are barely getting by(生活困苦) and (另一新聞標題-無意義跳過)QPS Company dumps 1,000 cases of disposable diapers(尿布) because they have slight imperfections (defect).

The managers(主辭) of these companies are not deliberately(要背) (intentionally) wasteful;(分號後面重複上句直接跳過) they are simply unaware of all their alternatives(又省一行). In 1976 the Internal Revenue Service(有個組織叫IRS) provided a tangible(正向形容詞) incentive for businesses to contribute their products to charity(關鍵主旨-救濟). (另有好處)The new tax law allowed corporations to deduct the cost of the product donated(donated修飾product當作沒看到) plus half the difference between cost and fair market selling price(難句破解:成本+市價利潤的一半), with the proviso (但書,句意是) that deductions cannot exceed twice cost(就是不能超過賣一個賺一個). Thus(因此-帶出結果), the federal government sanctions(要背rule)(破哲號先跳過,回頭再看)—indeed, encourages—an above-cost federal tax deduction for companies that donate inventory to charity(聯邦政府鼓勵"捐助扣除額"高於成本).

帖子: 3017
注册: 2004-12-14 19:54

帖子davidlee0222 » 2004-12-15 20:21

哈 有題目了
183. The author mentions each of the following as a cause of excess inventory EXCEPT
(A) production of too much merchandise
(B) inaccurate forecasting of buyers’ preferences
(C) unrealistic pricing policies
(D) products’ rapid obsolescence (過時)
(E) availability of a better product
第一段有整理三個問題,若有take note則不需回文

*184. The passage suggests that which of the following is a kind of product that a liquidator who sells to discount stores would be unlikely to wish to acquire? (難題)
(A) Furniture
(B) Computers
(C) Kitchen equipment
(D) Baby-care products
(E) Children’s clothing
答案給B,定位回第一段,computer即便是碰到big sale也是賣不掉

**185. The passage provides information that supports which of the following statements?
(A) Excess inventory results most often from insufficient market analysis by the manufacturer.
(B) Products with slight manufacturing defects may contribute to excess inventory.
(C) Few manufacturers have taken advantage of the changes in the federal tax laws.
(D) Manufacturers who dump their excess inventory are often caught and exposed by the news media.
(E) Most products available in discount stores have come from manufacturers’ excess-inventory stock.(武斷字)

*189. Information in the passage suggests that one reason manufacturers might take advantage of the tax provision mentioned in the last paragraph is that
(A) there are many kinds of products that cannot be legally dumped in a landfill
(B) liquidators often refuse to handle products with slight imperfections
(C) the law allows a deduction in excess of the cost of manufacturing the product
(D) media coverage of contributions of excess-inventory products to charity is widespread and favorable
(E) no tax deduction is available for products dumped or sold to a liquidator
若有take note就隻到只有一個原因就是政府法令支持扣除額大於成本
為題是否有扣除額 賣給L也沒提有沒有扣除額
帖子: 3017
注册: 2004-12-14 19:54

帖子bugubugu » 2004-12-30 11:38

davidlee0222 \$m[1]: Children living in poverty are freezing and XYZ Company has just sent 500 new snowsuits to the local dump.(垃圾堆)(本句為新聞標題-有考) Parents of young children are barely getting by(生活困苦) and (另一新聞標題-無意義跳過)QPS Company dumps 1,000 cases of disposable diapers(尿布) because they have slight imperfections (defect).


其實我看到大衛的解釋時才發現原來get by是勉強渡日...
因為我以為是他從QRS公司拿了1000 diapers覺得怎麼跟原段落的態度不符...
現在發現get by和QRS公司中間有個"and"....
帖子: 341
注册: 2004-08-25 16:05

帖子davidlee0222 » 2004-12-30 22:53

帖子: 3017
注册: 2004-12-14 19:54

[發問] 請教 189題選項C的句意

帖子surfer » 2005-11-24 16:58


(30) The managers of these companies are not deliberately
wasteful; they are simply unaware of all their alternatives.
In 1976 the Internal Revenue Service provided a tangible
incentive for businesses to contribute their products to char-
ity. The new tax law allowed corporations to deduct the
(35)cost of the product donated plus half the difference
between cost and fair market selling price, with the proviso
that deductions cannot exceed twice cost
Thus, the federal
government sanctions-indeed, encourages-an above-cost
federal tax deduction for companies that donate inventory
to charity.

189. Information in the passage suggests that one reason manufacturers might take advantage of the tax provision mentioned in the last paragraph is that
(A) there are many kinds of products that cannot be legally dumped in a landfill
(B) liquidators often refuse to handle products with slight imperfections
(C) the law allows a deduction in excess of the cost of manufacturing the product
(D) media coverage of contributions of excess-inventory products to charity is widespread and favorable
(E) no tax deduction is available for products dumped or sold to a liquidator

問題 : 最好的答案是C沒有疑問,其他都irrelevent.
但是passage中(紅字)提到的"the cost of the product donated plus half the difference between cost and fair market selling price" 事實上不是已經超過了答案C所給的"a deduction in excess of the cost of manufacturing the product"了嗎? (扣除額超過產品的製造成本) .... 何來"manufacturers might take advantage of the tax provision "之說???

帖子: 7
注册: 2005-09-12 23:53

Re: [發問] 請教 189題選項C的句意

帖子babylarrivee » 2008-10-15 01:35

surfer \$m[1]:
189. Information in the passage suggests that one reason manufacturers might take advantage of the tax provision mentioned in the last paragraph is that

(A) there are many kinds of products that cannot be legally dumped in a landfill

(B) liquidators often refuse to handle products with slight imperfections

(C) the law allows a deduction in excess of the cost of manufacturing the product

(D) media coverage of contributions of excess-inventory products to charity is widespread and favorable

(E) no tax deduction is available for products dumped or sold to a liquidator

問題 : 最好的答案是C沒有疑問,其他都irrelevent.

但是passage中(紅字)提到的"the cost of the product donated plus half the difference between cost and fair market selling price" 事實上不是已經超過了答案C所給的"a deduction in excess of the cost of manufacturing the product"了嗎? (扣除額超過產品的製造成本) .... 何來"manufacturers might take advantage of the tax provision "之說???


原po翻譯得已相當完好,題目是在問製造商如何由稅政得利?(C)選項則說有超過製造成本的扣除額可以使用。而原文是說,扣除額的計算方式是製造成本加上公平市價與成本差異的一半但不能超過兩倍成本。原文跟(C)選項並不牴觸啊?!cost+1/2(Fair value-cost)的確是大於等於cost沒錯吧!?所以當然是肯定了製造商take advantage of the tax provision......

帖子: 9
注册: 2008-07-17 12:24

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