確認了我一直秉持的信念: 台灣人最有人情味 最可愛
回到主題 我的看法是傷咖已經面臨轉型的契機
It is time to revamp the business model, renew the mission statement, and develop a shared vision.
I'd like to start with some thought-provoking questions:
Why should 傷咖 be perceived as a platform of test support ? (I know there are forums beyond test-related discussion; my point is most posting are in areas related to GMAT). Do we leverage enough strength of this online-collaboration in other areas such as internship, business or job opportunities?
Can we develop a "development path" from new comers to forum administrator so that succession plan is in place? are there any rewards for each jobs / functions in this forum (eg. 1-to-1 mentoring by graduate for 1 hr/month for three months, etc.)
Is there any chance to connect dots across schools, eg. alumni clubs to support development of 1-yr/2-yr students, who in turn are committed to assist applicants ("pay it forward" scheme) ? at the end of the day, we may create a strong professional network that is well-structured and organized, not to mention long-term benefits to the wealth of the nation as a whole.
My $0.02