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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 檢視主題 - a question about the MSF in Illinois Institute of Technology

a question about the MSF in Illinois Institute of Technology


a question about the MSF in Illinois Institute of Technology

文章adam1020 » 2006-02-25 14:49

hi there,

i got admission from IIT's MSF program (concentration on quantitative finance)
Is anyone familiar with this program and anything about the school since I am not quite familiar with them? (esp. the placement record, etc)

Thank u very much........sincerely
hello guys,

I am new here, hopes u won't bother to give my instructions and guidance in the path of studying abroad....wish all u get the dream school u want.....
Best regards,
文章: 20
註冊時間: 2006-02-25 14:34

文章lovingyou0722 » 2006-02-25 17:34

可以冒昧請問一下您托福和GMAT 是多少被IIT 接受的呢??
文章: 51
註冊時間: 2005-12-28 09:55

文章stupidboy93 » 2006-02-25 18:25

The average age of our students is 27. The average class size is 25. The distribution of international students is 50%. The average salaray for the last 3 quarters was $54,000.

文章: 251
註冊時間: 2005-09-08 00:54

文章adam1020 » 2006-02-25 20:40

To lovingyou0722:

My GMAT is 710 and my TOEFL is 263.

To stupidboy93:

How did u consult with the faculty at IIT to elicit the info? I surfed their website but got nothing about those stuff. Thank u very much.
hello guys,

I am new here, hopes u won't bother to give my instructions and guidance in the path of studying abroad....wish all u get the dream school u want.....
Best regards,
文章: 20
註冊時間: 2006-02-25 14:34

文章stupidboy93 » 2006-02-25 21:15

文章: 251
註冊時間: 2005-09-08 00:54

文章adam1020 » 2006-02-26 00:05

Thanks stupidboy93 for sharing the info. As for the MSF program, which one will u recommend in terms of the placement record and quantitatively oriented curriculum? I really appreciate ur advice.
hello guys,

I am new here, hopes u won't bother to give my instructions and guidance in the path of studying abroad....wish all u get the dream school u want.....
Best regards,
文章: 20
註冊時間: 2006-02-25 14:34

文章lovingyou0722 » 2006-02-26 02:21

文章: 51
註冊時間: 2005-12-28 09:55

文章adam1020 » 2006-02-26 08:30

To Lovingyou0722:

That's all right. The reason I consider IIT is that the curriculum offered is highly quantitatively oriented. Next, the ranking is #11 in the field of master in finance/quantitative finance/financial engineering. Since my interest is in quantitative finance/financial engineering, I prefer to pursue my graduate study at IIT. All the top 10 schools in this field almost require me to take gre instead of gmat and that means I can't catch up with the class this year.

I know most taiwaneses would put heavy wights on the reputation and ranking of schools. That also confuses me as well. Thus, I am desperate for the advice from "experienced and knowledgeable specialists". I did get admissions from some other far more famous schools and I understood the ranking of IIT is quite lousy from the perspective of MBA applicants. Yet in finance, as far as I know, it's not like that. Anyway, I wish someone can solve my confusion.
hello guys,

I am new here, hopes u won't bother to give my instructions and guidance in the path of studying abroad....wish all u get the dream school u want.....
Best regards,
文章: 20
註冊時間: 2006-02-25 14:34

文章lovingyou0722 » 2006-02-26 10:27

謝謝您,不好意思我只是因為好奇您的分數很高所以想了解一下說,因為我自己本身也是想念MSF的,而IIT我之前顧問也有替我篩選到這間學校,他說這間很容易上基本上去年TOEFL 213 GMAT 500 出頭就有機會了,叫我把這間學校當最後預備的學校,我並不知這間的MSF排行這麼前面,偶然看到板上您申請上IIT的MSF 所以才想問問您的申請背景.也謝謝您詳細的回答囉...
文章: 51
註冊時間: 2005-12-28 09:55

文章adam1020 » 2006-02-26 10:43

To lovingyou0722:

That's ok. No worry. As for your statement, I think it's the criteria for IIT's MBA applicants. IIT MSF requires applicants to be equipped with GMAT over 600. You can check that on their website and the info mentioned above by stupidboy. Finally, wish u get to the best school u want. Good luck!
hello guys,

I am new here, hopes u won't bother to give my instructions and guidance in the path of studying abroad....wish all u get the dream school u want.....
Best regards,
文章: 20
註冊時間: 2006-02-25 14:34

文章s48762142 » 2006-02-26 10:51

Hope it will be helpful:
If u r interested in the FE program and only took the Gmat, u can refer to the FE program in CMU or Berkeley which is more reputable and also ranks higher. Also, it's not weird that most of the Taiwanese emphasize the ranking, since these top ranked schools usually offer better job placement and were more worthy of ur years invested in, right?
As u can imagine, the FE program offers classes much different from MBA. Here is a FE rankings listed below, u may check each program on their website, there will be information about placement. ... 003-04.php
As for berkeley-MFE is concerned, 98% of its student secure an intern earning an average monthly salary of USD 6400+.
文章: 21
註冊時間: 2005-01-07 00:28

文章start » 2006-02-26 11:12

嗨 同學大家好
關於伊利諾理工的狀況 我可以報告一下 雖然我已畢業了
敝校在理工學院 法學院 都應該有排在Top 50吧 建築 設計學院 及商學院的MSF可能都在Top 10左右

聽說去年MSF的GMAT平均差不多670~690 大陸及印度同學高於700的更是不少 台灣學生若沒有AT650 大概也很難被錄取 而起敝校MSF 大概兩年沒有收台灣學生了吧

關於 MBA的部分 狀況也在改變中 以前一年大概有10~20個台灣學生入學 這兩年來 一年大概僅僅5人錄取 而且我認識的MBA 現在 AT大概也要600 才有機會了 不過還是會有例外吧 越來越難囉

其他問題可以上我們的學生會網站 你會發現IIT 真的還不賴
文章: 6
註冊時間: 2006-02-26 10:47

文章adam1020 » 2006-02-26 11:50

To s48762142:

I did consider applying for those two (CMU and Berkeley). However, my dilemma is I am not eqipped with any programming skills, which is a prerequisite for those two, and some other prerequite courses. I thought I have no chance of getting into any one of them. I am not sure if u agree with me.
Sincerely thanks for ur instruction.

To start:

As u said, IIT's MSF program might be much highly ranked, and I still prefer to go to IIT MSF compared with other more reputational schools from the perspective of MBA applicants. The reason is just b/c it fits me in. But frankly, what concerns me most is IIT's MSF placement record. Could u please give me an instruction of my question? Thank u very much...
hello guys,

I am new here, hopes u won't bother to give my instructions and guidance in the path of studying abroad....wish all u get the dream school u want.....
Best regards,
文章: 20
註冊時間: 2006-02-25 14:34

文章klin » 2006-03-03 21:37

This is what I have heard from someone studying in IIT. I hope it helps. Here's his comments.

"As for placement record, I would say that it's all up to you.
There are students going to big banks and there are students end up not finding anything in US. If you are looking for jobs with your school, I would recommend NY schools. It'sjust much easier.

As for learning programming, I wouldn't say it's a hard core program for programming. MSF is based on a professor name Dr. Michael Ong. As you can see in the website, his specialty is risk management. Rather than programming, he teaches concepts. From my personal experience, the Phd program would be better,
if you are looking into a quant job."
文章: 37
註冊時間: 2005-06-05 22:39
來自: Taiwan

文章opel » 2006-03-04 19:47

請問 這課程是一年或兩年課程?
文章: 66
註冊時間: 2004-12-15 22:18


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